Absolutely loving the view of this mountain range - check out lubbyloo's PV profile ...
Harley Im not blind ,but I do wear glasses !!!!! ass hole have a nice day jay/rita
hmmmm, any wonder you're single?
Hi Harley - I haven't had a dig from you for a while - you really must stop torturing yourself looking at my pics Mr Grumpy - don't drink too much :-)
...OMG; this one is a real dog! If it is the latter then I shall just have to call you Mr Grumpy again! ;-) Kinky or Dog? Have a Happy Day!
Hi there Mr Harley - Well I must be special getting a message from you on my birthday :-) "Where is my leash?" - Do you mean this in a Kinky way or...
so what makes you an expert. you dont even contribite.
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