When ppl compare themselves to others and feel they’re not good enough..we are all uniquely beautiful😉Love who “you” are!
My dream date...
Ahhhhh yes..my dream date 🥰
Well that would be my handsome boyscout (he knows who he is lol) walking into my shop wearing those sexy tight denim jeans, button down plaid shirt (unbuttoned of course) carrying a picnic basket with delicious lobster rolls for a lunch break I’ve been waiting for for years😉and yes.. I’ll be taking the afternoon off;)
My dream date will turn into a lifetime date, so I hope he’s ready for lots of sex lol, endless laughter, memorable adventures, and all the lovin I’ve saved up all these years just for him;) he’s had lots of birthdays Ive missed(2nd date will be at Chuck E. Cheese .. (go easy on the mouse will ya lol)
Trust me..the lifetime date will be epic..when shall we start?
I♥️U sexxxxyyyyy asssss💋