video contribution limits???   Reply to topic

Posted On: 2 Jul, 2011 at 02:05 AM jamiew jamiew
4 May, 2010
Posts: 2

Is a video submitted here limited by time, file size, or both?

Posted On: 4 Jul, 2011 at 12:17 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi there, only file size (50mbs)

If you need any help on reducing file sizes ect just let us know and we will get you sorted out ;-)


Posted On: 4 Jul, 2011 at 11:51 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

Ha ha! made you look.... Hi Ed!!!!!!! lol

hugssss!! :)

Posted On: 5 Jul, 2011 at 12:02 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

haha..yes you did!

Posted On: 22 Jul, 2011 at 05:49 PM cherrybang cherrybang
11 Apr, 2010
Posts: 25

Hi Ed!
I submited a test video a couple of weeks ago, and it showed up not yet assigned for review and then simply vanished from my contribution list. Properties showed it at 49.3 MB; under the above mentioned 50MB. Content or format? Just curious as to what happened to avoid any issues next time. Thanks!
