upload problems   Reply to topic

Posted On: 26 Mar, 2015 at 02:53 PM mistert65 mistert65
26 Mar, 2015
Posts: 2

I have a blackberry curve and I'm using opera mini browser and I can't upload multiple pics PLZ HELP

Posted On: 27 Mar, 2015 at 07:07 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

Well,.. If I was to answer this... I'm not sure that it can be done from that phone, so the best thing to do in this case is send in a "support ticket". if you look at the bottom lower right of this or any page and you'll see the "contact us" click it and they will fix you right up. lol :)

But in the mean time maybe someone (someone super smart, techie like, genius even of the support team here) lol ;) will tell us if this is even possible to do what they want to on their phone.

realizing that some of these fixes may take more then what can be posted here for each case, but seems like the answer is usually to send in a support ticket.. lol , might need to tell everyone to just send in a support ticket via "contact us" unless they think it's simple enough that "I" can answer it right here in this forum , usually with somebodies help,.. lol :)

funstuff xxoo