time please ladies   Reply to topic

Posted On: 26 Oct, 2011 at 06:00 PM ukkenny ukkenny
6 Aug, 2011
Posts: 148

How long does it take a post to come up on latest comments?

Posted On: 27 Oct, 2011 at 11:55 AM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi are you talking about the comments left? These should come up straight away.


Posted On: 27 Oct, 2011 at 02:51 PM ukkenny ukkenny
6 Aug, 2011
Posts: 148

Yes they are not it taking over an hour to come up. And last night a comment on a photo set I made diapered then came back after an hour? As well a few other comments on the same post.

Posted On: 27 Oct, 2011 at 03:55 PM ukkenny ukkenny
6 Aug, 2011
Posts: 148

just made a new comment and it not come up. i use IE 9 or chrome with vista 64 bit or window 7 64 bit.

Posted On: 27 Oct, 2011 at 10:10 PM ukkenny ukkenny
6 Aug, 2011
Posts: 148

hangout first thing i did

Posted On: 27 Oct, 2011 at 10:41 PM ukkenny ukkenny
6 Aug, 2011
Posts: 148

yes i am pc engineer for my sins, so i get in lots of ladies bed rooms. yes i did all that and tried a diffing pc as well. same thing.
post on one pc did not come up then boot the 2nd one up not used it that day cleaned out the catch then had a look was not there. when it does come up it show up on both pc.

Posted On: 28 Oct, 2011 at 10:30 AM ukkenny ukkenny
6 Aug, 2011
Posts: 148

it okay hanginout
what is killing me been in all these lady bed room and get nothing pmsl :P

Posted On: 28 Oct, 2011 at 12:00 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi Kenny, could be your hitting a different server that not updating we'll have a look.


Posted On: 1 Nov, 2011 at 02:20 PM ukkenny ukkenny
6 Aug, 2011
Posts: 148

Any luck?

Posted On: 1 Nov, 2011 at 03:04 PM lynnandbob lynnandbob
11 Sep, 2009
Posts: 210

Kenny I Do keep Time How Long I'm on a BUCKIN Bronco BUTT I Never Keep Track of the Time When I'm Out RIDIN a BIG Stallion LONG & HARD.XO Lynn32A