suggestion 4 "RATING" catagory   Reply to topic

Posted On: 9 May, 2011 at 10:46 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

it's hard to stick my nose in when something is so well done.

over time i've noticed the choices on the ratings isn't what i want to describe...but had to limit myself to choices available.

here are my suggestions, more than 1 word (maybe U cab water it down) but 2 lines can work:

"sensuous" ; sometimes there's delicate photography, location, lighting or poses that are not sexy or angelic...they are BOTH & that description is "sensuous" candle lit dinners (honest, ask mrs PV, she'll give U the same answer as Ur mistress!)

"gal-pal" ; this is for fun nude in piblic or threesomes or girls making pictures for soliers with flags etc also for model & car pictures. this is a good catagory, it's to describe Ur favorite that U had fun with. even if she is Ur best friend's wife (she's the babe U'll never touch, like a cousin!)

"marriage material" me thinks some models will be VERY encouraged & motivated to get this rating.

"girlfriend material" younger, no further explanation needed.

nope, not trying to bother U, from wot U said, i know there's a site update in the works. i'm offering suggestions BEFORE instead of complain after...

no, NONE of my input needs to be acted on, but in the creative process, perhaps something that i mention will trigger a staff member to cum up with something even BETTER !!

the adult world around us makes me question every value that i wuz raised to believe in...

PV is no longer a casual site...Ur missing the boat if U don't promote this visual oasis internationally THIS year. (shoulda started last).

U can't help others until U have Ur own family provided for
get busy, this is the year to expand. U can rest later, this opportunity iz NOW!!

Posted On: 9 May, 2011 at 11:48 AM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi Eyeballs thanks for the input I like the idea of your ratings.


Posted On: 10 May, 2011 at 04:50 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

ask the girls to help U come up with some good ratings for the male contributors.
i can't help with this. BUT....

i have responded to couples where he is sharing his Beauty with us but hiz picture too... & left a comment like: "i HATE U!...:)
also: "the girls R gonna LUV U!"

even as a man, when i've seen other men who i noticed were leaving encouraging words for our models, i would leave them a good word as thanks, to let them know that we, as a community, notice & appreciate the company of other good men.

don't male contributors deserve a response?? they take a chance too.

here R my VERY limited starting suggestions for male ratings (although EACH of these will work for our female models also....oh! i'm, SUCH a good tap-dancer!..thanks mom!!)


"jealous!"...instead of i hate U.

"WHEW!"...instead of the girls R gonna luv U.


i tried to remain within Ur one-word frame. BUT as U can see, anyone of these can eacily be applied to, and will, to our female models BUT it adds comments apporopriate for male conti's too.

why not? let the girls have some fun too! no reason to discourage men, wot i don't enjoy, i click to the next view...keeps me happy!!!

take care...eyeballs

Posted On: 10 May, 2011 at 06:17 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358


i just thought of something! (it must B my medication)

rude comments...the girls have NO way to respond....
ya think U could give them an "A-hole" rating to respond to those loosers??

or is the risk for abuse too high??

Posted On: 10 May, 2011 at 11:42 AM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Cheers Eyeballs, all taken on board ;-)