resizing video files   Reply to topic

Posted On: 30 Mar, 2011 at 07:53 PM kittykat4u kittykat4u
13 Jan, 2011
Posts: 1

I have some video files i could upload here, but i get the error message that the file size is too large. Now, I know how to downsize jpg photos, but not videos. Any help would be welcome.

Posted On: 31 Mar, 2011 at 11:12 AM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi there, If you are using a windows based pc you can use windows movie maker to reduce the file size.

If you open windows movie maker then "import video" then select your imported movie then drag it to the time line at the bottom, then select to "save to computer" then after you have selected a name and a place to save your movie you'll then have 3 options

1:best quality for playback on my computer
2:best fit to file size
3: other settings

You want to select option 2 "best fit to file size" select this to less than 50mbs and that's you!

Once this has saved then you should be able to upload your movie.
