profile pic gallery   Reply to topic

Posted On: 12 Aug, 2012 at 08:40 PM tony07601 tony07601
28 Jan, 2009
Posts: 26

what are the rules for posting in the profile picture gallery? Why are some non-explicit, non-copyrighted pictures denied?

Posted On: 13 Aug, 2012 at 02:19 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

Well that really doesn't make any sense. Don't know if it is different for the guys, but when I uploaded my photo album, it had a check box that said explicit. The profile pics were changing on their own for a while & I know that when I posted a comment on the home page & logged in at a later time, it showed my pic as "explicit" & I couldn't see it. Sooooooooooooo I don't know why you guys wouldn't be able to post explicit pics for those of us who are premium to see. Going by what I see for the female profile pics, it doesn't look like anything has changed in that regard.

Posted On: 5 Sep, 2012 at 03:44 AM cmoure cmoure
17 Oct, 2009
Posts: 240

Profile pics should be able to set any of these either explicit or public. Does not make any sense for premium members to have as an option only public pics. Anybody else agree with this? Can this be fixed - sure hope so...

Posted On: 10 Sep, 2012 at 04:44 PM min min
28 Mar, 2009
Posts: 125

Hi cmoure,

Not sure what you mean. If all you have in your profile gallery are explicit pics then then one of them will be used as your default profile picture. However, if you have a non-explicit pic then this will automatically be used as your profile pic.

People with a visible profile pic get more exposure so we've adopted this as a means to make that happen.


Posted On: 11 Sep, 2012 at 01:49 AM cmoure cmoure
17 Oct, 2009
Posts: 240

Min, that explains everything perfectly. Was unaware of how it worked so thought maybe something was amiss. But no - it's all good!!

Posted On: 8 Apr, 2013 at 04:25 AM cmoure cmoure
17 Oct, 2009
Posts: 240

Well, now you can not even change a default profile pic to something else. All of them are explicit, and the only way I can change a profile pic is to delete it, then another one of the remaining pics is used. There is no way to select which one gets used, either. This needs to be fixed so you can choose which one you want to display. It was that way before once upon a time...

Posted On: 1 May, 2013 at 05:06 PM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

I agree cmoure. I enjoyed the fact that we were able to change our profile pic without emailing someone. Don't see where that is an option now or am I missing something???

Posted On: 1 May, 2013 at 06:06 PM min min
28 Mar, 2009
Posts: 125

@browneyes16 - click "My PV" and select "My Profile Media" and you'll see a "manage" link.

Lots of help available at

Posted On: 1 May, 2013 at 06:23 PM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

Thank you min, I hadn't noticed that while checking things out!

Posted On: 13 Jul, 2013 at 09:40 AM tony07601 tony07601
28 Jan, 2009
Posts: 26

I actually started this post because I posted a couple of pictures of myself with ex's. They were denied. The pictures were NOT nude or offensive in any way. I stated they were my ex's which is the only assumption I could surmise was the reason for them being denied from posting, yet I see hardcore posts from members all the time of their ex's being allowed. This is why I ask what the rules are?