problem with "my ratings" link   Reply to topic

Posted On: 29 Aug, 2010 at 02:32 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

this has been a problem 4 a long time. i was hoping that eventually it would work itself out, so i never inquired about it before.

on my profile, when i hit "my ratings" i still get the same 4 that i've seen there for weeks. in the meantime since "milfclair" i'll bet i must have at least 20 more ratings since then, but i can't see them.


Posted On: 29 Aug, 2010 at 04:10 PM bethpv bethpv
12 Nov, 2009
Posts: 49


this is working i just clicked it and it is now at 5

Posted On: 1 Sep, 2010 at 02:44 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

thanks for looking into this for me. U are the 1st new rating to show up in months on that page.... that's the problem!

there's another list on blue backround that shows ratings , who sent them with live links. it's FUN to see who is showing an interest & be able to return the courtesy...i had a shortcut to that page but lost it last week while purging malware/spyware.

between july 22 & aug 21 i received 60 ratings. i can supply you with members names if that will help you figure this out. how can i get to THAT page & why don't i get there from my profile's "my ratings" tab???

that's the question, take care...eyeballs

Posted On: 1 Sep, 2010 at 01:35 PM bethpv bethpv
12 Nov, 2009
Posts: 49


the ratings is correct if you look on your profile it says 5 people have rated you and the same number on the actual ratings page.

no idea which other part of the site you are talking about, the only one that i see with lots of people are 'your friends' you can pick from the drop down menu which ones you want to view by 'linked'unlinked etc.

i hope this helps

Posted On: 5 Sep, 2010 at 07:09 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

no, my ratings link is NOT working properly, but thanks for paying attention & trying to help. (i'm not a complainer, if i have the problem, so do others).

amazingly, yer rating made it onto my page, U must have connections! the previous 4 have been frosen there since i think, may.

between july 22 & august 21 i recieved 60 ratings (didn't U just tell me 5?).
it's fun 2 stay in touch with other members who show an interest.

tat ratings page has no profile pics, just a list showing the rating & a hot link to their profile. THAT's the page i can't find & don't understand why the "my ratings" link doesn't take me to.

originally, i think i found it with an internal PV alert. i bookmarked it. it was easy to find after that. when i cleaned my computer of malware/spyware, i lost the shortcut to that thorough page of ratings.

THAT's what i'm asking you about & that's what my question is: why doesn't the "my ratings" link take us there??? (when U find the page you'll see i have well over 100 ratings, not 5. i'm a supportive member in this community)

how do i find that completeratings-page????
thanks again, help me figure this out. i think it's a software glitch at your end.... take care, eyeballs

Posted On: 7 Sep, 2010 at 08:10 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

R U saying U'r not aware of the no picture-ratings page with the live links???
it IS a PV feature, trust me!

Posted On: 7 Sep, 2010 at 02:51 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hey Eyeballs, lets see if we can figure this out ok...

On your profile under your image you should have the following options

1:- Who's visited me - takes you to a list of who has viewed your profile

2: Who's rated me - takes you to a list that show's who's rated you along with there rating.

3: Who's hot listed me - a list of members who have "hot listed" you.

So what one of these are not working for you?


Posted On: 10 Sep, 2010 at 08:16 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

ok. #1 works fine.
#3 works fine.
since my last inquiry, i received an internal alert & was taken 2 the complete ratings page. i bookmarked it & can now find it again. (another 15 or so kind souls with ratings). my question has always been, why can't we link 2 this page when we click on "my ratings"???

that's the question. did your website designer just miss that?
not hard to do considering all the complicated links your site offers. this just happens to be one of the features that many of us enjoy.

thanks again...eyeballs

p.s. phillippe 4 spokesmodel!

Posted On: 10 Sep, 2010 at 08:29 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

i just reread 1 of your messages 2 me...are U saying that you're nor aware of the full rating's page???? oh my. most links within PV are not specific so i don't know if i can get U to it via link.

let me try this, this is how I found it again (& probably last time 2).
i will send YOU a rating. see if from the internal notice if it will take U 2 that that you can see it & appreciate it. it really IS a fun feature!

Posted On: 10 Sep, 2010 at 12:29 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

ok I think we may be geting somewhere with this, is this the link you used to have saved?

If you can try this link and let us know.