masterbation caught fetishes   Reply to topic

Posted On: 25 Oct, 2015 at 12:30 PM jasondetroit jasondetroit
25 Oct, 2015
Posts: 1

Does it turn an older woman on when they catch a well hung man master
bating? I am very turned on while stroking my cock and want an older lonely woman to catch and watch

Posted On: 15 Dec, 2015 at 05:15 PM greg115 greg115
14 Dec, 2015
Posts: 3

I think it all depends on the person. I set my wife up a few years ago by having a friend stay over . He slept on the couch and I set it up so that my wife could see him masturbating from our bedroom doorway. She told me she saw him masturbating the next morning.

She claimed it was weird , but she was horny as hell and fucked the hell out of me that night.