forum edit feature   Reply to topic

Posted On: 1 May, 2013 at 04:57 PM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

I just tried to edit a thread reply & it didn't work. Typing with one hand it is easier to go back & capitalize what needs to be capitalized when I am done. I inadvertantly posted it without doing so. I went back & corrected the post, but it did not show the corrections. I did not leave the thread before editing. I know on the old pv version, once you left the thread, you couldn't make any changes. Is this function not working?

Posted On: 4 May, 2013 at 06:48 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

yes min if this is broke it needs to be fixed... and soon... because some of us here and I wont name names (I'm one though) we need the edit and a backspace key at all times if not things could get really ugly here and quick.... just ask lyns,.. Oh shit!! and I said I was not gunna name names. fuck!!!! see min I could have used it here! right now!. fottere!!! lol


Posted On: 4 May, 2013 at 06:58 PM LynS LynS
30 Apr, 2010
Posts: 169

Well thats a good point made about teh backspace delete gone bla bla key .... i mean i will name names cos im me look at me fun and eebee we are completely fcked without it end of .. so please could this be sorted before i throw my Hat in n sulk .............Fottere.....

Thanks all ....

Life's a Bitch then there's me !!!

Posted On: 4 May, 2013 at 07:40 PM min min
28 Mar, 2009
Posts: 125

I'll check this and fix it first ... actually 3rd thing, on Monday :)

Posted On: 4 May, 2013 at 07:53 PM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

thank you min!

fun & lyn you guys are too funny.

Posted On: 5 May, 2013 at 11:48 AM LynS LynS
30 Apr, 2010
Posts: 169

Thank you Min much appreciated ......

Me & Fun and a few others would get ourselves into so much trouble and i try and steer away from trouble as much as possible ......
So thanks cheers bottoms up and all that .... Your a star

And Fun hun ,,,,, Fottere ..... xxx

Life's a Bitch then there's me !!!

Posted On: 5 May, 2013 at 04:49 PM freeuser1 freeuser1
19 Oct, 2011
Posts: 1

this is a test


*editing again*

Posted On: 7 May, 2013 at 01:45 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

This is my test min.

Posted On: 7 May, 2013 at 01:46 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

this is my test min.

Posted On: 7 May, 2013 at 01:49 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

oops hit enter twice. But the one I edited did correct itself. Thank you min!