Webcam info   Reply to topic

Posted On: 16 Sep, 2017 at 05:00 PM UkMidsCpl UkMidsCpl
8 Dec, 2010
Posts: 9

We went on the webcam last night and had a blast but can someone explain how to use it for private view or does your web stream go out to everyone ??

Posted On: 16 Sep, 2017 at 07:16 PM manofsteel80 manofsteel80
13 Jan, 2015
Posts: 327

You can lock your cam and invite people that you want to watch your stream. When you open your cam and the window pops up, there are a couple of lil boxes that you click to check. One is for your mic, weither you want it on or not and the other is for public streaming, click on it and that locks your web cam out to everyone, then you go on the people list and left click on their name and you can invite them to watch your stream or you can accept or deny requests from other chatters if they pop up on your screen. Hope this helps ;)

Posted On: 17 Sep, 2017 at 08:58 AM UkMidsCpl UkMidsCpl
8 Dec, 2010
Posts: 9

Thank you, very helpful 😆

Posted On: 17 Sep, 2017 at 10:45 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 835

He's only helping because he knows moderators can't be blocked, so he's like ( i'll just slide on in there and they will never know in there,... until they see me)... oh shit wait, that sounds more like me then mos, never mind,.. carry on.. ;)

your super helpful mod
funstuff xxoo
wait again, super helpful also sounds more like mos then me, fuck!! never mind again. :)

Posted On: 17 Sep, 2017 at 05:48 PM manofsteel80 manofsteel80
13 Jan, 2015
Posts: 327

Lol fun xxxx

Its a mod job to peek lol, but I don't linger and stay lol, normally if its locked, its pvt and I will leave em alone lol, unless they ask me to stay lol xx