Posted but not shown in Softcore Video section   Reply to topic

Posted On: 3 Apr, 2012 at 08:00 PM blizz12 blizz12
30 Mar, 2012
Posts: 7


My latest upload titled "Big nipples in the shower!" (now there's a title for you!) has been reviewed by Luke99 and has a status of 'Posted' in my contributions section but doesn't appear in the Softcore Video listings.

Is there a delay between review and posting for all to see or is this a technical clitch?

Many thanks.

Posted On: 3 Apr, 2012 at 08:03 PM blizz12 blizz12
30 Mar, 2012
Posts: 7

Bizarrely I can see it here:

but not in

Now I am confused! :-)

Posted On: 4 Apr, 2012 at 12:15 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi there it is live on the site, it's maybe that your hitting a server that's not been updated, everytime you refresh the page or visit it again you may be hitting a server that's not updated, this should resolve it when all the servers are sync'd up. (it's the same reason that the voting is behind)

hope you enjoy the site!


Posted On: 4 Apr, 2012 at 06:41 PM blizz12 blizz12
30 Mar, 2012
Posts: 7

Thanks for the reply Ed. Much appreciated.