Or maybe in here....   Reply to topic

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2013 at 07:02 AM txsweet txsweet
29 Jan, 2010
Posts: 570

I have a question....someone asked me today this?

I have a question for you. DO you know of any software that I can get to shorten a new video I made? I am seriously 10 seconds too long and it is a REALLY good video. Any suggestions?

Got any input ?

Posted On: 4 Sep, 2013 at 03:17 AM fayettguy fayettguy
18 Jan, 2012
Posts: 3

txsweet, there are several free video editors that will probably work for you. One is probably already on your computer. It is windows movie maker.

Posted On: 7 Sep, 2013 at 04:56 AM txsweet txsweet
29 Jan, 2010
Posts: 570

mmmmmmmmmmm might be on mine....but that was a question I was asked by someone else. Just thought someone might Know of a specific one. But..................thank-you Mr. Fayette for even answering me....hard to get answer's sometimes off here.
Like my house.....talking to a wall sometimes

Apparently this person might be running xp or shit who knows, I just thought somewhere like downloads. com might have something like that.

Thank-you again Mr, F!!!!~~~~ xxoxoox

Posted On: 7 Sep, 2013 at 07:21 AM kenwood121 kenwood121
26 Dec, 2010
Posts: 331

u talkin to walls again mrs?
bless ya

thank the lord for mr f huh..xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted On: 8 Sep, 2013 at 04:37 AM txsweet txsweet
29 Jan, 2010
Posts: 570

Ms. K....I talk to floors and walls . No one else listens...if your I answer myself, yes mam I do, although that doesnt do allot of good because I already know how im going to answer.

But....thats just it...I did get one answer from Mr.F.... he doesnt know of one either.....Im kidding (?)

Still love you Ms.K and Mr. F thank you for not making me look like Im one.

Posted On: 8 Sep, 2013 at 01:41 PM motley motley
1 Mar, 2012
Posts: 302

So if I answer ya, do I have to change my name to "wall" and if so, does that mean all the ladies will wanna be done against me?

Posted On: 11 Sep, 2013 at 07:14 PM txsweet txsweet
29 Jan, 2010
Posts: 570

I havent ever done a do you though :)

Thank you Motley your a doll!

Posted On: 12 Sep, 2013 at 02:15 PM motley motley
1 Mar, 2012
Posts: 302

tx sweety....that sounds so lovely, when ya say you would do me....but why do ya say it like the godfather...and why do you have that gun in yer hand?

Posted On: 14 Sep, 2013 at 07:14 PM txsweet txsweet
29 Jan, 2010
Posts: 570

The Godfather? Me? Im not from Jersey OR NY...or even florida.
Get this...I dont own a gun.

Posted On: 15 Sep, 2013 at 07:49 PM UrBane UrBane
25 Mar, 2010
Posts: 2
