Joining chat on a tablet   Reply to topic

Posted On: 4 Mar, 2013 at 12:20 AM thewonderdog thewonderdog
20 Jun, 2009
Posts: 44

Does anyone know if it's possible to go into chatroom and watch videos on a android tablet?

Posted On: 5 Mar, 2013 at 05:22 AM nopolys nopolys
25 Jun, 2009
Posts: 41

The biggest issue I have had with chatting on a tablet is the onscreen keyboard covering the chat frame. My suggestion is to use a bluetooth or plug-in style keyboard with the tablet to free up the space. iSwifter seems to be the App of choice right now for Apple based products. I haven't tried any of the Android products out there.

The webcam issue is an ongoing challenge for Apple product users in a Flash environment. Even with desktops several users have experienced a problem using webcams built into the equipment. I am told there are settings available in the utilities to allow the webcam use. If you play around a bit I'm pretty certain these can be found.

I've heard that many sites are in the process of migrating from a Flash based site to another protocol. I've been told HTML5 is one many sites are currently moving towards. This won't affect your online experience when it impacts (except for perhaps Apple and will allow faster and more stable synching and use. As difficult as it may be currently for some site users, things are in process that will come online in the foreseeable future.

Just a couple thoughts from out here at the last stop on the mailboat line. Hope it helps.