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Posted On: 30 Sep, 2014 at 08:46 PM alan01346 alan01346
4 Aug, 2014
Posts: 106

I made web pages for 20 years before I retired and this site drives me batty. Sometimes things work, sometimes they don't. I've seen 2 different dialog boxes pop up for leaving a profile comment, both work sometimes. I posted a comment to somebody, it hung, tried it on another computer, it eventually worked and I found the first worked too so now there's a duplicate. I don't have IE, I don't even use Windows, don't care much for Microsoft

If I search for something and dig up an old page it works differently. That makes me think the pages aren't generated on the fly, they were generated by some program maybe years ago and stored with all their errors intact. Seems like that'll blow up someday. Everything new has to be tolerant of every fault that ever existed.

One solution would be to write a set of programs, one for each type/vintage of page that copies out certain relevant fields and loads them into a database so everything works the same way. From then on generate pages on the fly from the database. Find and fix bugs in the programs that make pages from the data and they'll stay fixed.

I'd be happy to help especially if PV pays me and maybe flies me to The Netherlands a few times. :)

Posted On: 1 Oct, 2014 at 12:34 PM luke99 luke99
23 Mar, 2009
Posts: 63

Hi, could you open a support ticket regarding this so we can sort this out. Cheers! Contact us link at the bottom of the page.