Chat room down?   Reply to topic

Posted On: 25 Apr, 2011 at 09:16 AM calandsue calandsue
4 Sep, 2010
Posts: 21

Having trouble getting into the chat room today. Initial page comes up the Users on line doesnt get completed and get a blank chat window. Is it me or is their a general problem?

Posted On: 25 Apr, 2011 at 09:38 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

yep, sure enough, there's a glitch.

i just went over to double check it for you. you're right.

give it some straighten out.

Posted On: 25 Apr, 2011 at 09:58 AM nicennaughty nicennaughty
9 Sep, 2010
Posts: 2

Still a problem, not loading!!!

Posted On: 25 Apr, 2011 at 11:03 AM calandsue calandsue
4 Sep, 2010
Posts: 21

I your case Jo the choices are infinite!!!

Posted On: 25 Apr, 2011 at 11:22 AM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi folks we are aware of the chat room and we're working on it right now, hopefully be back up soon!


Posted On: 25 Apr, 2011 at 11:42 AM eebeegeebee eebeegeebee
9 Oct, 2010
Posts: 7

yep stil down

Posted On: 25 Apr, 2011 at 03:02 PM hansallover hansallover
7 Nov, 2010
Posts: 1

this often works for me,switch it off, switch back on again, if not firm tap, not bang. glad to be of help lol

Posted On: 27 Apr, 2011 at 10:37 AM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Yeah the big hammer sorted it out! lol