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Posted On: 4 Aug, 2014 at 01:39 PM curiouscple1 curiouscple1
19 May, 2013
Posts: 1

I have a galaxy mega and have downloaded Adobe flash but not sure if right one everytime I go to chat it just keeps saying loading settings any help

Posted On: 6 Aug, 2014 at 01:35 PM luke99 luke99
23 Mar, 2009
Posts: 63

Hi curiouscple1, ADOBE hasn't supported flash on Mobiles and Tablets for around a year, this is out of our hands sorry we can't be of any help in this case.

Posted On: 2 Oct, 2014 at 02:34 AM alan01346 alan01346
4 Aug, 2014
Posts: 106

You could get rid of the need for Flash. There's no Flash for OpenBSD so I can't do chat. It's a proprietary product, they don't release binaries for every operating system and they won't release the source code so you can build it yourself. Hasn't it been known to carry viruses?

I think we need an open source work-alike if it's really that wonderful. Or Adobe needs to open it up like they did with PDF.

Doesn't HTML 5 do video intrinsically? Why do we need Flash? I'm on a modem connection, I probably don't have enough bandwidth for chat anyway.

Posted On: 2 Oct, 2014 at 09:21 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

We had dial up for a long time, I chatted on it, I camed on it and I viewed cams on it. my hubby found that if your using one of those modems that plug in a slot inside the computer they are very slow, he got a little tiny usb port type modem that you plug it from the outside into usb of course lol and it really speeded things up. hope that might help.


Posted On: 2 Oct, 2014 at 01:13 PM motley motley
1 Mar, 2012
Posts: 302

oh no, I think Alan is right, Min needs to do a total rewrite of the software using HTML5!!! I mean really, he has nothing better to do except perv about in chat!!!

Posted On: 3 Oct, 2014 at 01:19 PM luke99 luke99
23 Mar, 2009
Posts: 63

If you guys open a support ticket on this it's the best way for us to track and keep ideas going ;-)

Posted On: 18 Oct, 2014 at 03:49 AM alan01346 alan01346
4 Aug, 2014
Posts: 106

I have external (serial port) modems, I don't use the plugin cards (mostly winmodems) because they rob a lot of CPU cycles to make them work. And they only work in Windows.

I see by a page at stackoverflow that HTML5 doesn't natively support streaming video. Worse, there's no video format that works with all browsers.

A Java applet could probably replace Flash in this case but I'm not sure. Good thing I enjoy this stuff.

So I don't know. I thought chat meant keyboard-keyboard chat. That I could probably manage.

Posted On: 20 Oct, 2014 at 04:29 AM alan01346 alan01346
4 Aug, 2014
Posts: 106

Streaming video in a Java applet has been done, see

I wasn't sure it was fast enough. So this would probably take a little customizing to add controls, etc. but the idea is that you'd download the applet over the web by going to the chat page, there's no installation, it just works, and it's platform-independent assuming you can run Java. So Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, even OpenBSD can all run the same applet. I wrote some Java for a year or so about 10 years ago. Not an applet, I was doing automated data entry. Java's versatile but usually slow. I wrote under Windows and ran the same code under OpenBSD.

Now to connect the camera...

Posted On: 16 Nov, 2014 at 11:06 PM cmoure cmoure
17 Oct, 2009
Posts: 240

Does anybody use TOR for a browser and can you get it to work with the chat app?