Since early over the weekend the link for UK Amateurs has been taking me to error message
" Error!
There has been an error and the page requested cannot be displayed.
Possible reasons:
You do not have cookies enabled on your browser. Click here to learn how to enable cookies.
You have bookmarked this page or added it to your favorites. You can only get to this page by logging into the members area first and following a link in there.
You have attempted to view an image directly, they can only be accessed by following links.
The web site you have come from is not authorised to link to this page.
You are using a web browser that does not send details of the "referring page". We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer.
You have "anonymity" software installed which prevents details of the "referring page" being sent. Please turn off this software or disable this option.
If this problem persists, please report it to the adminstrator of the site.
Click here to return to the last page you were on "
checked cookie settings cleaned cookies temp files etc. Did i miss something or is this a still under construction issue?
IE 7 or firefox both patched up to date. The link was working after teh up date for a while tehn started getting the error link. I have gotten this same message from time to time In teh past linking to the UK am. site but after a the next day it always has worked fine when I come back.
IE 8? well up dated and still no luck ;[
Still locked out of UK amateur everything else seems fine. I checked all settings it all looks good except when I go to security tab under inernet options I can't find the click boxes for cookies. My list goes from active x options to download options. Running XP and ie 8 all up to date patches. If I use firefox I get same error. I even fireup up my dino comp wind 2000 with ie 6 and no luck there either.
So what am I missing? The link still worked after the up grade and now it seems to be glitched. could it be something with my router firewall? ISP?
working now ;] well the first page is still get error on next link guess I'll try to email support
oh I finally figured out that if I sign in in tool bar it doesn't work but if i
click on premium link and sign in from the too blue link everything works great.
cool :-)