"Who Visited Me" link on "My Profile"   Reply to topic

Posted On: 28 Oct, 2012 at 04:20 AM tony07601 tony07601
28 Jan, 2009
Posts: 26

It seems to me that the list used to be in the order of first visiters on the first page and most recent visiters on the last page. Has this changed?

Posted On: 17 Nov, 2012 at 03:46 AM tony07601 tony07601
28 Jan, 2009
Posts: 26

LMAO I dream of you visiting me every time I close my eyes you sexy goddess

Posted On: 26 Nov, 2012 at 09:49 AM txsweet txsweet
29 Jan, 2010
Posts: 570

Nirvana....your keeping all that "cock" for yourself?
(Thats what it is isnt it)?
I dont have my glasses on I hope its not
a turkey!!@!!!

Posted On: 28 Nov, 2012 at 03:29 AM dutchess dutchess
9 Jan, 2010
Posts: 863

A Turkey is just a bigger cock lucky you!!