hi friends. Some years ago i had a gf name Anna and i took photos of her and sent them here in projectvoyeur, in hardcore i think. The years are 1998 to 2000 or 2001, i think.The title was "Anna: her tits, ass and cunt". maybe another title with Anna be mine. .
So im looking for a collector of photos.Help me friend.I need have these photos
Sorry for my english, im fr spain.
Hi there,
Why is it you need these photos?
If you send in a support ticket i will look into this for you.
sorry, ed, and tnks for write me this post
Anna was my gf and i lost all her nude photo:sometimes i try to remember her but i hvnt got any photo that help me.
I didnt understand tou: "support ticket" what is this?
Tnk u friend.
(remember im spanish with few problems in language)
Hi there,
go here and send your question in.
We'll deal with it from there.