How does PV determine who will be in MILF and who will be in Mature?
If the posts are going to be run on the same page, then there needs to be some kind of designation telling the viewers whether they are looking at a Milf post or a Mature post.
Hey guys,
Just now we are classing over 40's as the Mature postings.
If this proves as popular as we think, we may well give it it's own dedicated area.
How is anyone to know whether it's a Milf or a Mature post that they're voting on? There is nothing on the individual contri indicating what category it is in.
I hope it can be permanent, but how does it work as it is now??? Confused!
my woman is thinking about posting in Mature, so we are trying to figure it out. Please tell us how we can know which we are posting in and any more details. We are confused too. Thanks PV.
why I upload the contri but the answer not assigned to review