Faces and ages in ratings   Reply to topic

Posted On: 7 Jan, 2013 at 06:34 AM shakedown shakedown
17 Feb, 2009
Posts: 3

I enjoy models of most all ages and appreciate photos whether or not the models' faces are show. I have a hard time giving high ratings to otherwise fantastic posts if a face is not shown or is blurred. I likewise like to give "extra credit" for mature women who aren't afraid to show themselves.

It would be great to be able to be able to give scores that consider age or face, or both. I understand this would be more complicated for the administrators.

Posted On: 7 Jan, 2013 at 07:52 PM dutchess dutchess
9 Jan, 2010
Posts: 800

Lol man ur funny....

Posted On: 10 Jan, 2013 at 10:06 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 834

Lets break this down, oh never mind lol

Posted On: 12 Jan, 2013 at 04:38 PM holliebaby holliebaby
30 Dec, 2010
Posts: 82

So I guess this is where I break ranks and become hated by my friends on here who don't show their faces. I apprecfiate that you girls post, whether you show all or not. Even though I am a woman I love looking at great looking ladies also, and some of you have breathtaking presentations of your glorious selfs. And, some of you have jobs that you might lose if you got caught on here. So I understand and still appreciate you all so much.

BUT.. as a woman who shows everything on here I understand a little bit where Shakedown is coming from. There are many times that girls who show no face have rankings much higher than girls who show everything. It has happened to me lately. As a model that bothers me a little, I have to be honest. It tells me my face hurt my score. It tells me that the chance I took showing you all of me is not really appreciated. Recently I even showed some early pictures of myself and now several people have recognized me. Oh well. I liked doing it or I wouldn't have. I know guys love and reward mystery, but think about it. Would this site be as successful if every girl did not show her face. If it was only bodies? I don't think so.

Now I am not advocating changing anything and again, I love all of my friends posts on here whether they show their whole self or not. But I am just asking you to consider the other side, which Shakedown is describing. I know Shakedown well and he is a great guy who is a big supporter of this site. So don't be so hateful to him. The hate some of you are spewing in your responses is far more of a turn off to me than you not showing your face in a post.

Posted On: 12 Jan, 2013 at 11:58 PM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 155

I have always advocated being thankful for what women desire to let me see. If I make them feel like their efforts aren't good enough, then they will most likely stop making those efforts and I will see no one naked. :/

I think, on some level, we all appreciate being able to couple a body with a face. Who doesn't want to know who they're lusting over? While that seems common enough to me, though, we all have to understand that not everyone is at the same comfort level as others. Some may just not want friends or family to know what they do, while others may not feel totally secure in their bodies. Others still might just like the anonymous mystery of knowing what we don't.

For those of you who do show your faces, kudos to you. I for one am glad to see them, and I'm glad you've reached a point where you can enjoy that kind of exposure, but I have just as much pride and appreciation for those who are not at that point in life. Take caution in thinking less of someone because they do not have the freedom you have, be it a self-imposed limitation or one imposed by their little corner of society. To think that, since your employer may not bat an eyelash at your nude photos, they enjoy the same level of "safety" is...well...unrealistic.

We all know the nature of people. We know the workplace politics, the level of judgment among our peers, the underhanded lengths to which some would go to get ahead. All it would take is for one person to want to cause trouble for them, and if we really think about it, we can understand just what a risk that is. Instead of thinking less of them for safeguarding themselves, let's try to understand where they come from and what forces they face to provide us with the excitement they do.

Hollie, I cannot imagine your face hurting your ratings. I suspect you take that to heart because, as is human nature, we tend to be harder on ourselves than the world is on us. Everyone has a different trigger, sexually, and what one finds a turn on may have nothing to do with the looks of the model. It may be a position, a perceived scenario, anything. Often, what really jumps out at me about certain pictures turns out to be just a slight difference in camera angle, lighting, or background even. Whether I intend to or not, I notice all these things in a photo, and I am sure that all lends itself to my initial impression, which may be anywhere from "meh" to "WHOA!" for the same person.

Don't sell yourself short. It is quite probable that someone else just had the lighting or the angle on their side that day.

Posted On: 14 Jan, 2013 at 06:03 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 606

You know what, lookalot, it was refreshing to read what you wrote. Tooooooo many men on here are WAY TOOOOOO DEMANDING of what us women SHOULD show, when they themselves show NOTHING!!!

Hollie, I myself was going to rip into shake. You know how outspoken I am. lol But I had trouble posting to this thread for some reason. So I am a bit calmer now. You say you know shake well, so having exchanged emails & comments with you, I will back off a bit.

I still feel that someone who does not bother to fill out their own profile & post at least a G-rated pic of themselves REALLY has NO business faulting others for not showing their faces in their posts.

I also agree with what others have said here. EVERYONE has their own reasons for NOT posting their faces. For some it is because they have children, for some it's their job and for others it's because their partner may not be aware that they post.

And lets face it, we live in a hypocritical world. How many times have we seen in the news that a female has lost her job for posting pics to a site like pv. A co-worker comes across the pics, for whatever reason shares the info, and BOOM! She's gone because they say it doesn't project a favorable image for the company. But guess what, the person that found the pics is NEVER fired.

Now, I have a question for EVERYONE who reads this thread. Say you are going thru the posts and come across the pictures of your child's teacher, whether it be male or female. I DON'T believe that there are very many who would just go about business as normal. You would be on the phone with everyone you knew, telling them what you found & asking them what you are all going to do to get the person removed from the classroom. THAT is the world we live in!!!

Now for those of you who are here in secret, that means that your partner does not know. If while looking thru the posts you came across pictures of your partner, how many of you could HONESTLY say that your INITIAL reaction would be "omg that's hot". I think the majority of people would feel hurt or betrayed.

I think that it is great so many people feel free enough to show their faces, BUT that is NOT me. I have shown my face to some that I have become close with on here, however, you will NEVER see my face & my naked body in a post or on a cam. I am a very private. I am also a very shy person, although most of you here don't believe that. lol BUT I AM!!! If someone I knew were to discover my profile here, I'd be gone in a heartbeat. Sooooooo, if I disappear suddenly, you know why. lmao

Posted On: 14 Jan, 2013 at 06:11 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 606

Oh, one more thing.

Just because someone chooses NOT to show their face, is NO reason to score them lower. It takes a lot of courage to post. JUST REMEMBER THAT, the next time you click on a post!!!

If you enjoy what you see, be encouraging. If you come across something that isn't your cup of tea, just move on. Being rude is just plain immature & REALLY pathetic!!!

Posted On: 27 Jan, 2013 at 10:00 PM mrslucifergw mrslucifergw
1 Aug, 2012
Posts: 8

hi all
mrlgw pointed this thread out to me

i was going to get angry but didn't
i read it again i was going to be sarcastic
but stopped and read it again

you know what i decided to just say thank you to all that post all that give comments and all my friends here some who don't comment
i cant post my face as i know several would use it against me
especially some junior members of nursing staff i have had to discipline

we all are indavdules and have things we have to take into account
i applaude those that can and do show more

i doubt under the idea that you have to show a face that i will ever win
and also i am a bigger lady the boys just seem to forget to vote for me
so i will do what i am comfortable with and continue on my merry way
ty all so much

Posted On: 27 Jan, 2013 at 10:29 PM lucifergw lucifergw
7 Jun, 2011
Posts: 51

thought i better give my tuppence worth

lady's posts i don't care what you show thank you
gentlemen if the wife likes great if she doesn't thank you anyway

for those that want to give bad comments move on
for those that give good comments thank you

my wife i love her she will post or allow me to post what she wants
if you like comment vote if you don't then move on

thank you all

Posted On: 30 Jan, 2013 at 02:09 PM mrslucifergw mrslucifergw
1 Aug, 2012
Posts: 8

lmfao ( mr explained that one to me)
my last post was marked down because of the music
can you believe it

johninit says well hears the quote

Spoilt by the loud and intrusive music drowning out if any squeals of enjoyment made by your lovely lady so only a 2 where it would have been a 10++

it was music or silence i know what i prefare so hes now blocked