hello can you post any pics or your wifes g/f dirty panties
I would like to see them. mgm1959@mail.com
I would say yes, nothing wrong with some panties that have had some hot pussy in them... :) right??? lol
oh I so so so agree fun,the aroma the imagination
just joined. wife leaves sexy used thongs everywhere. Didn't think others would be interested but I can post some pics if intersted
My mature wife’s dirty panties. http://oi68.tinypic.com/2j0fers.jpg
Oh yes i can. I have lots of pics of her panties with her yummy juices on them.
I just have to figure out how to post them.
Oh very interested. I can share my wifes with you as well.
Nothing better then smelling and licking them.
I have partier, brås, etc. Form my Master Lady. she are 63
I would love to see...maybe swap pics of panties