This little backroom place was set aside for those of us who want to make and share better photos and videos.
There will be occasional tutorials written up to cover common questions and problems most of us encounter when trying to make those special kinds of contributions.
In the meantime, please feel free to ask questions and contribute useful tips and tricks you have found that make your photo and video sessions special to you!
This is a community thread so please keep comments and thoughts on topic and beneficial to everyone in our community.
Thanks!!! Now..... let's have some fun!!
HAHAHAHAHA......Im on the front role with my hand up saying...oh what oh what oh where do I start.
Ok im listening....Nops you have my full undiveded attention....
hi nopo
quick question hope a short answear
is there a program for me to be able to obscure wifes face or objects on vids that way wife may let me post more
ty in advance
lucifergw ( lgw )
@lucifergw - has some great tutorials on blurring faces in videos using the wax video editor. do a search on their site or on google for "tinkernut how to blur faces".
Hope that helps
ty min
i will tell mister to go there and see if i can tear him away from the pv site
got anywhere I can go and get perfect?
To add onto Min's great answer, GIMP ( offers a lot of great options at the right price (free). Using a strong "Gaussian Blur" works wonders for obscuring faces or backgrounds by selecting the area you want blurred out and then clicking.
Good Luck! Let me know if this helps!
T Sweetie, yer gorgeous just the way the good lord above made ya darlin!! Now.... about those tan lines..... siiiigh
Ok i'm listening.....
Tan lines distract me darlin!! they make me zoom in close to the "target" spots!! heheheheheh