Photo dates?   Reply to topic

Posted On: 4 Nov, 2014 at 05:23 AM alan01346 alan01346
4 Aug, 2014
Posts: 106

Is there any established protocol for doing this? Meet with your most local PV member of the opposite sex to take pictures/video of each other for posting? I'm fine with photos but when I tried to do a video I kept getting out of the frame because I couldn't watch the viewfinder and what I was doing at the same time. I could use somebody to run the camera, then I'd run it for her.

2nd part: I don't remember if we entered addresses when we signed up or not, but if we did someone (maybe me) could take a list of account names and zip codes and turn it into maps of who's where. It would be approximate, you'd still need to contact them for an actual address if they agree, so it's not divulging any sensitive information really. Just run a query on the member database and pull the username and zip code fields for US members (and gender) and write it to a tab or comma-delimited file. I haven't looked but zip code maps in electronic form are probably available. Longtime members probably don't need this but it might help them spot new members in their area.

Winter programming project, I'd write it so it could be updated with new data and make new maps, not be a one-shot deal. I don't think it could work outside the US, but it might be possible by converting everything to latitude and longitudes then plotting. Retirement has been boring so far,

Posted On: 5 Nov, 2014 at 12:53 PM luke99 luke99
23 Mar, 2009
Posts: 63

Hi, interesting idea, currently we don't use any zip codes only states, any ideas you have like this is you could use the "contact us" link at the bottom of every page then select the "suggestions and feedback" in the drop down that way we can keep better track of ideas on the site, thanks for your input.

Posted On: 5 Nov, 2014 at 05:02 PM alan01346 alan01346
4 Aug, 2014
Posts: 106

I don't suppose you could require a latitude and longitude as part of the signup process? :) If you don't have zips on file I guess signup for this would have to be optional. I've got a shell account on which I think lets me do cgi and have a couple databases.

Zips would only work within the US anyway but they can be converted to lat & long via a lookup table. Outside the US I'm not sure what to do for data entry but I don't want to leave them out. Maybe clicking on maps with text entry of lat & long as an alternative. I don't want this accurate enough so somebody's going to knock on a door of someone they don't know, just to city/town level.

I think for output I'd do SVG maps on the fly to the browser with Ms and Fs centered at the lat & long. When you hover over one a CSS popup shows the user name. I don't know if you can attach CSS to SVG, maybe a imagemap, maybe the username in a text box, haven't worked that out. They should be zoomable since they're vector. Cities will have Ms and Fs in a pile and you'll need to zoom in to separate them. Not sure about the speed of SVG for drawing maps over the net either.

Just playing with ideas and wondering what data was available. I used to do some of this stuff before I retired and I'm bored. I enjoy programming when there aren't deadlines. I'll keep in mind having PV take it over if I get it working. What OS does PV run? I'm mostly unix, devio too.