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Posted On: 4 May, 2013 at 06:27 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 834

hummmm norty, I wonder what that could be... lol and fuck!!!

cheers xxoo

Posted On: 4 May, 2013 at 11:30 PM harleysdad harleysdad
6 Oct, 2011
Posts: 1

I really don't want to sound negative, but to me all the new changes are really a step backward, I really don't like them at all.

Posted On: 5 May, 2013 at 05:37 PM rupert681 rupert681
9 Jun, 2011
Posts: 18

I have waited a week or so before giving my opinion on the recent upgrade,as I wanted to give myself a chance to try out the new format.
Firstly,I am well aware how much work goes into the planning,organising & production of a new upgraded site & all the people involved.
PV undoubtedly does look far more professional & slicker than it did previously but therein lies the problem in my opinion.It 'looks' better but the site is now less user friendly than it was before & I believe anyone who thinks differently is kidding themselves on.
The home page is a bit all over the place.Very messy.
I think banner style headings we had before,with drop-down menus are far easier to find & use.
The profile pics/contri samples are now too small,with the persons name almost unreadably small.
I definitely haven't been visiting all sections of the site like I used to,as it is a challenge each time to find something I'm looking for.
Earlier this year I had made the decision not to renew my membership,when it expires in June,so you haven't lost me due to the new look but I believe you will lose some more members because of it.I hope I'm proved wrong though.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on PV but think I'm moving on at the right time.

Posted On: 5 May, 2013 at 07:10 PM starcar starcar
21 Mar, 2009
Posts: 94

I too believe it takes time to adapt to anything new. After a week of "exploring and playing" around on the site, I have to say this is a leap backwards. There is nothing easy or user friendly about this update. The Homepage really isn't a home page because in order to find anything you have to go to the amateur section. Min said in one post the search funtion is your best friend, well drop down menus are your good old relaible buddy that is always there for you. The lag time to send a PM is ridiculous, I'm sure I'm not the only one to send a PM 2 or 3 times because you hit the submit button and NOTHING happens. I struggle navigating MY OWN profile let alone look at someone elses. It's a insult to do away with the MILF section, yet leave the voyeur section, as it was updated only a couple time a week too. I'm sure whoever thought this up had their heart in the right place, but their head was definitely up their ass. I don't see this gaining any new members, once they discover and attempt to navigate this thing, they will probably give up and move on. I don't expect PV to return to the old page, but I hope they redesign this one to be more user friendly. It is not unheard of, in 1985 Coca-Cola thought they had the greatest idea, and anyone over 45 remebers how that turned out.

Posted On: 6 May, 2013 at 12:44 AM min min
28 Mar, 2009
Posts: 119

@rupert681 - I appreciate you giving the site a chance before concluding it isn't for you. It is inevitable that anyone taking on a task of this proportion would get some elements wrong and we are using user feedback to make it better. Lots of subtle changes already made a few more to follow but eventually we'll tackle them all.

I think design is quite a subjective matter so forgive me if I don't see the front page as messy or all over the place. At the end of the day we look at our metrics to see if things are or aren't working and they suggest a better uptake by new visitors to the site.

Like I mentioned earlier, we're in the process of making changes and the menu is something we are looking to address.

We've made the profile pictures on the contri pages larger.

Sorry, you won't be renewing but more so, I'm sorry you're moving on. It's a pity we can't make 100% of people happy but I do appreciate the vein of your feedback.

@starcar - At no point did we say we were not going to make changes. We're obviously working on it and like I mentioned above we are noting every bit of user feedback and implementing fixes where we feel we may have fallen short in our commitment to our users.

I've already gone over why we stopped the milf section and also explained that milf contris are still posted and still receive their own competiton prizes, Over and above the we've made it infinitely easier to find MORE milf should that be what you like.

About sending PM, this is the first I'm hearing of this issue and actually tried the PM function after reading this without issues. If you'd like us to look into it specifically for you, please feel free to contact us via our support channel.

@hanginout - I am on what is classed as an average connection of 5MB and I'm not having any issues with slow pages. In fact, we take samples of response times on a random selection of users and our times are well within average on first load and rather good on subsequent loads. I will however look at trying to reduce this even further over the next week.

Posted On: 6 May, 2013 at 10:17 AM rupert681 rupert681
9 Jun, 2011
Posts: 18

Thanks for reading my post & addressing the points raised Min.I appreciate your swift reply.

I want to make it clear that I am not leaving the site because of the recent upgrade.My decision was taken at the beginning of the year & I standby that.

Best wishes to all at PV.

Posted On: 6 May, 2013 at 03:00 PM granny granny
17 May, 2011
Posts: 1

I am with you, I don't like the new format at all.

Posted On: 6 May, 2013 at 04:08 PM min min
28 Mar, 2009
Posts: 119

@dennis - Firstly, thank you for the constructive criticism. I'm going to answer each point you've made below.

* this was a calculated risk we took simply because we wanted more people to actually go to profile pages to find out a little bit more about the submitters than just their age and country. We'll keep an eye on how this is received over the course of time and make adjustments if required.

* we have had instances where people use the shoutbox / info board, to fight with other users, or basically disrupt things enough to put new users off as soon as they land on the site. We work rather hard to market the site, and to lose new users as soon as they get here because of something they read on the shoutbox was rather demoralizing. Now people at least get in to see what we're all about before seeing the shoutbox.

* we actually have a next / previous link right below the contribution in addition to having it right at the start of the contribution. In fact, it is just above the vote section. Are you not seeing this?

* i have fixed the dashboard based on your feedback and now if you click the friends online link, it will take you directly to a filtered list of friends that are online. On the old system people didn't like the idea of all friends being on the same page whether they were online or not, so we remedied this by allowing users to filter their friends using the "online" button.

* I actually fixed this over the weekend so the footnotes should show (if the user has entered them) on the fullsize profile images. / Edit: Looks like I may have overwritten these changes so I'll have a look at it again this evening.

* Posts do in fact change colour. If they have not been viewed the thumbnails have a light blue border and if they are viewed the thumbnails have a red border. Please let me know if this is not how you see them (please use contact us link at bottom of page).

Please do not ever feel that you're bitching or being unreasonable. We do take all user feedback very seriously and look into each thing on a case by case basis. If the suggestion warrants a fix, we'll fix it. If the suggestion warrants a total rethink, we'll do that too. On the whole however, I must point out that there are limitations to this. For example, technical limitations may stop us from being able to act on a specific piece of feedback. Or perhaps the change requested does not coincide with our general direction. One thing is certain though, we will give it our attention and we will let you know if we can act on it or not.

Posted On: 6 May, 2013 at 05:28 PM flyguy flyguy
21 Jun, 2010
Posts: 2

Give me back the old and better version. I'm having a hard time finding friends and writing to them. Maybe I won't renew and go elsewhere.

Posted On: 7 May, 2013 at 04:17 AM MrKatt MrKatt
5 May, 2009
Posts: 2

Over the last year, the site has degraded in a number of ways. The first that comes to mind is creating an additional paid site that took users away from the chat room. The chat room really suffered and has not recovered. It is a chat, but not much else.

I hate the look of the new site. It looks like a cheap porn site.


I dislike the submission category changes. I love me the MILFs.

I dislike the ratings change. There is really no need for a scale change. I appreciated a full range of ratings.

The location of the current rating on the page makes it essentially useless. I have always used a criteria to decide which submissions are worth my time. At the end of the submission it is of no value to me.

I simply hate the page layout of the submissions. I don't know exactly what it is. Maybe the images are smaller than they were.

My subscription expires this week and I will not renew. There are now much better free sites and this one is no longer worth the money. I'll check back from time to time to see if you come to your senses.

The long and short of it is that the staff generally love it and the users generally hate it. You decide.

Oh, I don't think anyone ever addressed my comments regarding the random answers to the new questions in the profile. Too many fires to put out I guess.