would you ?   Reply to topic

Posted On: 1 Nov, 2009 at 03:20 PM shrimper shrimper
10 Oct, 2009
Posts: 5

There are a lot of bi men looking for couples and couples with bi men who play with them on craigslist so I bet this is more common than you would think.

Posted On: 4 Nov, 2009 at 11:45 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

Have at it guys, whatever floats your boat. I can't stand wine but it doesn't matter to me if you drink it. Before I try out a guy, there is that me and 3 girls thing, the me and 4 girls thing, the me and 5 girls thing, the me, 5 girls, and a llama thing, because at a certain point, you have to have something to entertain the girls while I'm asleep;)

Posted On: 18 Apr, 2010 at 09:56 PM joalropo joalropo
31 Mar, 2010
Posts: 3

If you read my profile, you will see that I'm bi. This I didn't discover until I was 33 years old. Prior to that age I would have made a comment like YUCK you have to be kidding. Or even GROSS, you have to be real sick. Like many men, I've fantasied about sex with two or more women and was lucky to have an understanding woman to oblige my desires. My first experience of bi was at my wife's request. I enjoyed it tremndously and bccause of it, got to have my own wish come true.
Don't knock until you've tried it at least twice to make sure you didn't make a mistake the first time.

Posted On: 22 Apr, 2010 at 12:19 AM upnorth234 upnorth234
14 Jun, 2009
Posts: 59

know what your saying,for me the fantasy ! I know,stops without anal for me !Just like the buzz of playing with other's, in the company of mixed gender.
The delight and stimulus of touching ,having fun in a mutual gatherings, is my fantasy!

Posted On: 22 Apr, 2010 at 05:33 AM usmarshall usmarshall
6 Apr, 2010
Posts: 7

i have actually done that as a young teenager before i was at the chasing girls age , pretty silly looking back at it now but it didnt wreck my life , would i do it now ? hell would freeze over first , i cant even have a threesome with another guy incase we touch each other . lol