this is one rough week 4 humanity....   Reply to topic

Posted On: 16 Mar, 2011 at 06:30 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

we need each other more than ever.

this has ALWAYS been an adult oasis, a recess from real life.
we all know it, none of us bring it up. this is the "happily ever" cartoon from disney. or fairytale (wot big TEETH U have!!).

models that were too shy R now strutting their stuff at 30-40-50-etc. a handful coulda been playboy models! don't think they don't realize that, hindsight is golden, for ALL of us!

i feel so sad...the tragic flooding in the northeast, the tornados in our southern midwest, japan's nightmare, the unrest/struggle in the middle east...& haiti is STILL trying to rebuild & all things R not good in africa.

some beauty...a laughter...legs streched wide open with a bright smile over the top! the muscle definition makes those legs look like a high school athlete, i don't think women understand that.

it's an electronic hug, a pretend girfriend, a moment that feels tender, human...joining in & sharing another guy's babe! all of that & more!!

since digital (no more film/developing costs) photo quality from amateurs is wot we had to go to a photo exhibit to enjoy 15 yrs ago!!

i apologize for being so long! (blah-blah-blah!!!)

even if Ur sad too, please dig up some old pictures to submit.
or be brave & give us the bright smile we need for a moment until we go back to real life! this is a bad time NOT to submit. we need U!

God bless, U KNOW i adore U, not like it's a secret...take care...eyeballs