anyone have any interesting items to use for sounding ?
Sounding is using a stainless steel rod to stick down into the males ureathra tube , thru the lil slit at top top of penis, down inside... there u go Jills
Lol pink...that’s what it is, really
They use all kinds of things to do it
Jill Jill Jill, ifin you want, I can school you, but you might be afraid so its ok.. :-))
By the way I def have not done it...
Jillllllll, ur to much sweety, and cute xx
Lol pink, I’ve had to watch a couple of videos for review, doesn’t seem to hurt.....much
And actually Jill its a real medical procedure called sound, its when a male has problem going pee, females have it done also I know, to open the uretha passage up
Weird ones huh babyss, glad I just do women.. hehehe