nude beach   Reply to topic

Posted On: 11 Oct, 2009 at 05:06 AM tommandi tommandi
9 Oct, 2009
Posts: 6

How many of you have been to a nude beach. what was it like taking your clothes off in front of everyone.I'm trying to convince my wife.

Posted On: 12 Oct, 2009 at 09:21 AM derk4fun derk4fun
29 Mar, 2009
Posts: 12

Yes, a few nude beaches. The way to do it is to wrap your self in a long towel or sari, perhaps even a sundress. find a secluded place if your shy. lay out a towel, than sit down and take off your clothes or covering. It's better than standing. If ur on a nude beach no one really cares, ur just another body. Thier are lurkers out there, but for the most part its no big deal. I love watching my wife walk to the water, or come back from the water with her big tits standing out for all to having sex on the beach is a whole different story!!! :)

Posted On: 14 Oct, 2009 at 06:53 AM texhotcouple texhotcouple
14 Oct, 2009
Posts: 6

We have been to several nude beaches. The first time we went we both just stripped off without hesitation.
We were horny as hell though and ended up satisfying each other orally as discretely as possible. Which turns out wasn't so discreet as when we had finished, we saw that people were sitting up watching us, albeit from a discreet distance.

Posted On: 18 Nov, 2009 at 08:03 PM beachlover beachlover
16 Nov, 2009
Posts: 2

Was a little apprehensive the first time nut I must admit I found it quite arousing.

Posted On: 19 Nov, 2009 at 01:54 PM marylou marylou
30 Apr, 2009
Posts: 19

I like being nude in public so I have gone to nude beaches and laid out so everyone can see.

Posted On: 19 Nov, 2009 at 09:14 PM davidpal davidpal
27 Oct, 2008
Posts: 1

spent 3 weeks on a naturist site the only time we felt out of place was when we went to check out our camp site with clothes on we were the odd ones out so stood out.
Just a word of warning though when the man is pushing the supermarket trolly naked make sure you stand well away as you can get cought in the wire frame.
Otherthan that just go and enjoy yourself as nature intended

Posted On: 23 Nov, 2009 at 03:39 PM silverfox6 silverfox6
16 Jan, 2009
Posts: 2

Why not start by walking around the house naked and then venturing to the back yard. This hopefully might prepare you for the beach. My wife and I always go to nudist beaches, but that did come after we joined a nudist club. It is a fantastic feeling lying there naked and then going for a swim. You must persuade you wife to at least give it a go

Posted On: 30 Nov, 2009 at 11:00 PM 3333331 3333331
30 Nov, 2009
Posts: 3

Many years ago,when attitudes were a lot more reserved,we went onto the Brighton beach,stripped off,like many others,and really enjoyed the air in our total exposure.
We never felt uncomfortable atall,far from it,as we enjoyed the thrill,like so many there with us,during our four or five visits there.
Until,you've actually stripped off,you havn't a clue as to how exciteing it is,as everybody enjoys the thrilling experience with you.
Too many people,have very ridiculous fears about being naked with others on a beach,but hopefully,those fears will be laid to rest,to reasure Victoriana nievity.

Posted On: 1 Dec, 2009 at 04:25 AM bisoccermilf bisoccermilf
19 Sep, 2009
Posts: 5

Have been to many nude beaches and I LOVE IT!!!! But then again I do love being naked and being watched.

Posted On: 31 Dec, 2009 at 08:02 PM njcpl21 njcpl21
16 Dec, 2009
Posts: 8

the first time i was so very nervous, but i did it, i love the attention of people looking. The big step was walking down to the water and along the beach. I must admit i really did enjoy seeing all those different types of cocks.