neighbor watching   Reply to topic

Posted On: 1 Apr, 2011 at 05:34 AM pump640 pump640
17 Apr, 2010
Posts: 18

me and the wife have sex in family room late at night the neighbor along side of us is always watching through his window but dose not know that we know he is watching it turns me on anyone ever do any thing like this let me know

Posted On: 1 Apr, 2011 at 10:19 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

Bizz move your head a little to the right..... ahhh yes, that's it, Thank You!...... uh huh uh huh.... yup 2 thumbs up here too.... :)

Posted On: 1 Apr, 2011 at 04:54 PM pinklicker pinklicker
13 Jun, 2009
Posts: 271

Years ago I had a sexy neighbor who every morning put on a show. It was like clock work. About 6am her bed room light would come on. She would shower and at about 6:20 she would open her bed room blinds wearing a towel. She would then drop the towel and walk around the room nude brushing her hair and picking out what she was going to wear that day. You tell me if she knew I saw her show every morning with my corn flakes. Damn I still don't know why I moved from that house.