is it just me   Reply to topic

Posted On: 22 Feb, 2011 at 11:05 PM toosexy55672 toosexy55672
24 May, 2010
Posts: 7

is it just me or is it that it appears that mainly the winners have to have young faces and young bodys or is that so pv can publish them on the front of there web site.
it seems us hhhhmmmm older ladys dont get a look in the name for example project vouyer well i wouldve thought that the natural look would be a winner here or even the contri's from say forever lover were she is with the other guys now that is looking from the outside in not the barbie doll look of the how can we say "normal porn" thats sooooo boring same looking girl same looking pose pleeeeeeeeeese
so is it just me have i got it all wrong and wish i was 20 years younger and no streach marks and a tummy from child birth ? seems to me we have to be a size 6 to8 with a fit waist to win on here

Posted On: 23 Feb, 2011 at 01:35 AM toosexy55672 toosexy55672
24 May, 2010
Posts: 7

by the look of things its just me then

Posted On: 23 Feb, 2011 at 01:51 PM toosexy55672 toosexy55672
24 May, 2010
Posts: 7

your right its the same on the frebie's as it is on the premium so after its ended my prem im not posting in fact im not going to anymore it seems the points dont go fairly ive been noticing not for me but others that have really good contris but seem to get nowhere.ive looked at the leaderboard again no natural women so to say you no the ones were we have a few extra pounds on the hips.i know since ive had my child i havnt got all day to pamper and exersice.
me myself i think its pv that want these girls so they can as ive said put them on the front of there web site but then who wants to see a few wrinkles and a bit of a tum..........its not good for business

Posted On: 23 Feb, 2011 at 04:23 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

I've never seen your posts before as I'm not a premium member. Maybe you should try posting in the milf section one day. Just for your info, the truth is a lot of mature & experienced men prefer the natural look. At least I know that you're real unlike those barbie dolls who are half plastic! I definitely do not expect you milfs to be in excellent shape but there are some milfs on PV who do look after themselves well. Don't be discouraged, try posting once and you'll be surprised by the comments. Hope to see your post soon.

Posted On: 23 Feb, 2011 at 04:53 PM toosexy55672 toosexy55672
24 May, 2010
Posts: 7

i have posted when we first joined twelve post i think.
and wow yes blown away with the comments its the other posters that im on about and thinking about when i think they have a far better contri than some of the crap that does win all because of shape.
and thank you joe for the comment and advice i just wont post anymore i dont see the point to be honest its just my oppinion and feelings to it i have a 100 days of subcription left so ill let it run its course.