chatroom etiquette   Reply to topic

Posted On: 2 Sep, 2010 at 10:14 PM madeline madeline
13 Aug, 2010
Posts: 5

I have a problem with the chat room rules. There seems to be a double standard as far as the moderators goes. They are allowed to call people names......their friends are allowed to call people names....but the regular folk are not......and are being kicked out for it.
I guess you have to know someone to be part of the high school.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 12:13 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

Madeline, I see by your profile that you are new to pv. I am wondering if you are misinterpreting some conversations. There is a very large group of regulars that come into the chat room. And the conversation, therefore, is rather open. Just like your personal group of friends, outside of pv, know what they can get away with saying to another member of the group, the same applies here. You need to get to know them, mods & members, to know what their sense of humor is like.

The mods are very easy to get along with. If you have an issue in the room & don't want to discuss it on the main board, ask one of them to private you to discuss it. They will private you.

There are many times when a person gets kicked out & nothing on the main board reflects why. Some people do not complain on the main board, they discuss it directly with the mods.

I am all about removing negativity from here. It changes the tone & experience for everyone here. You can read the threads on negative comments to see how people feel.

I have only been a member for three and a half months. But in that short time I have made a lot of friends on here, something I wasn't expecting when I joined. I chat with people outside of here on messenger and on the phone. And it is not all sex chat!!!

There are a lot of great people on here, depending upon what it is you are looking for. Don't sit back in silence & let it ruin your experience. Speak up if you have an issue, it really is a very friendly environment.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 01:26 AM madeline madeline
13 Aug, 2010
Posts: 5

Thank you browneyes for replying, but what I have seen in the chatroom is downright mean and ugly. It seems that things here are one sided and very critical to some people. As you say, people have their friends and they chat with them...but I thought part of the job of a moderator was to make people comfortable and welcome in the room. I have yet to have any of them say hello or acknowledge my presence. You can only watch for so long..... people being berated for their opinions. It just doesn't seem fair to me, the treatment I have seen some endure.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 01:38 AM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

If I am reading this correctly, it looks like two separate issues going.

As far as someone being kicked out, that can happen for any number of reasons, many of which may never make it to the main page. They may have been pestering someone in private, for example, and the person may have gone to the mod via private message as well. The mod may warn them in private to avoid embarrassing them, and or may boot them, depending on what is/was said. Likewise, it could be a "frequent flier" who comes in and is booted constantly. Without having been there, I am at a loss to really try to shed light on what happened.

Being made to feel welcome, though, tends to occur in direct proportion with how active a newcomer makes themselves. I have spent time in many chatrooms over the years, and until I got to know people, have never been greeted by name. There are just too many people coming and going at all times to allow people to greet each and every entrant. Can you imagine if every chat participant said hello to every person, every time a new entrant was announced?

Many come in just to watch, say nothing the entire time, and leave as silently. Others come in, watch until they're comfortable, and then offer small conversation here and there, while others still just jump right in and start talking.

What I have seen here, not unlike most chatrooms, is an atmosphere of welcome. I have yet to see anyone told off or snubbed for entering "someone else's" conversation. Granted, because the nature of a chatroom is high-speed, many-faceted conversation, you may not get an answer right away as people may not realize your comment is intended for them.

Try starting off with "hi everyone" and start your conversation with the people who respond right away. More and more people will jump into it as it moves along and, before you know it, you'll be a 'regular' who is greeted the minute you arrive.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 06:54 AM dutchess dutchess
9 Jan, 2010
Posts: 863

I have never called anyone names ....WAIT not true I called Nopo ...old cuz he is hehehe

madeline I never seen you in chat im sure you are a fun woman lets chat ....soon

cya Dutchess

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 07:01 AM nopolys nopolys
25 Jun, 2009
Posts: 41

troo dat Dutchess !! .... siiigh....

I'm sure from the way you speak, you are no stranger to the chatroom world. I know being a "new" member is at times a daunting task in a busy room. Take a bit of time, let folks get to know you, be yourself and have a bit of fun. you and all "new" folks are more than welcome in chat. As to the rudeness, I tend to believe that you need to set up your room filter to not allow private messages to appear without your authorization. This will drop your angst level a lot. Thanks for your comments and I'm sure you will be welcomed in chat with open arms.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 03:06 PM bethpv bethpv
12 Nov, 2009
Posts: 49

hi madeline / robyn1

this is utter rubbish, the mods do a great job in chat with new and existing members. you are the only person trying to cause trouble so please go elsewhere with your high school antics

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 08:34 PM chriswi chriswi
17 Oct, 2009
Posts: 1

Seems to me that Robyn just wants to defend herself and isn't being allowed to. Everyone should have a right to speak their mind and be heard.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 10:02 PM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

I try to call Dutchess names, but all the drool makes me stutter.

By the way, Nirv, I see your profile pic. :O

Posted On: 4 Sep, 2010 at 07:25 AM dutchess dutchess
9 Jan, 2010
Posts: 863 are right everyone has the right to his or her own opinion

But when it come to complete bullshit and tryin to hurt people

thats when it goes to far.. In the 10 years I chat I have never had

problems with anyone.... so calling me names and sayin I have double standards (that is what it says)

I have a right to defence myself... stirring shit in diff ways isnt speaking your mind but throwing a tantrum

in my eyes ,,

then I would like to point out that I love bein a Moderator on this site ....I do this because its Fun, like I

said I been around for many many years..... some of the reg chatters became good Friends...and we

have great laughs

X Dutchess

ty Beth for the kind words :-)

lookie you can call me anything you like dear....ill bring a bib next time hehe