bumping (accidently) into models in civilian life...   Reply to topic

Posted On: 25 Mar, 2011 at 12:50 PM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

i am NOT arrogant enough to tell anyone else wot to do. this is how i handled it (read my profile & see that i've needed people's good judgement too).

i've rubbed elbows with a PV model at the rock-n-roll hall of fame,
no, i did NOT run up & ask her 4 an autograph! ye bitches of little faith!

at one point i caught her eye & gave her a wink across the room. she stopped, looked at me with a puzzled look (i'm older) sorta shrugged with that side head tilt that girls do but us guys don't know how to.

i gave her the OK sign. she smiled blew me a kiss, turned & dissappeared into the crowd, never to be seen again. RATS!!

two VW models one local bump & one freakish accident. i was in raleigh north carolina for only one weeken. never been there knew nothing about it.

at a bar/restaurant across from UNC bumped into one of our doll-babies.
wuz walkin thru the bar on my way to the bathroom when i spotted her. almost pissed my pants right there (& i wasn't even wearing my depends!!)

so i'm thinkin, thinkin, thinkin. should i say something or no? she wuz sitting wit a guy...does HE know she models?? does she WANT him to know??? thinkin, thinkin, thinkin... finally i came up with a joke.

stopped at the table apologized for interupting & said: "beauty tends to run in families" her boyfriend mumbled, i agree. at this point the poor lil thing is thinking: this old fart isn't trying to pick me up is he??? ech!

after only a half beat after ( i asked: " may i get your mom's phone number??!!" both kids cracked up.

at that point she didn't realize i'd recognized her from her online modeling.
later, i repeated part of the joke & she sent back a sweet response.

if i was younger, maybe i'd try to start a conversation. if i tripped over one of our mature models, we'd sit down for coffee & a danish for sure.

but when in doubt, i enjoy the bump but won't "out" the girl. that's HER business.

right or wrong, that's how i handled it.
( i KNOW some models will scold me for not running up & planting a big wet one on their face. back off! how bout YOU run so us guys can figure out wot the hell Ur thinkin for a change???!!!

yeah, yeah, we luv ya...just be quiet for a couple minutes...ok?

Posted On: 26 Mar, 2011 at 05:56 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

OMG mrmrsboat! "didja ya eat at...?" how cute iz THAT!
i'm lovin it because it shows us PV'rs luv ya, wanna eat ya but on the the inside, we're a polite, classy squad. fukit! horay for US!!!

(by the way, reading between the lines, it shows the respect & regard that us dumb-ass viewers have toward U models. we KNOW dis ain't the real world!)

oh KAREN! knock it off! everybody in the mall iz gonna recognixe U!!!
Ur gonna be the only chick wit my tongue up yer ass! sorry, U really didn't think people would notice??

i TRIED tuh TELL ya!!! XO

Posted On: 26 Mar, 2011 at 06:10 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

oh, by the way lil whoreski's.....
NONE of U inquired about the buckeye doll i tripped over right here in town....

it's always about YOU,YOU,YOU!!

too bad, now i'm not gonna tell ya!
she sez she ain't gonna talk neither (we're both taking online english classes!)