Preparation OUCH!
I don’t know if I ever said this but I was ogling bizz profile whole in the frozen middle of the us.
Nice ass. Bit hairy. Big teeth. But nice
Still not going for anal tho
This Medical News Today site factoid that made me think of bizz...gotta wonder about butt babies...
things that make me go hm?
A common myth is that a woman cannot get pregnant as a result of having anal sex.
This is not entirely true, as it is possible for semen to enter the vagina after anal sex. While this occurrence is not likely, it can happen.
[How to reduce the risk]
It is important to use a condom when having anal sex to prevent pregnancy.
Bizz is alive and well...and um....
his anus itches
They make these wet wipe things you can get that hairy anus clean...