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Posted On: 10 Feb, 2011 at 11:59 PM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

do U guys GET that your naked smile is sorta an electronic hug to us??
(sorry, my brain can't process that like maybe 200,000 people around the world are pretending we're all licking Ur legs at the same time...)

it would be great if some of U would share how that feels (i'd think flattering!)

back to U. you soothe & heal hearts at their most most vulnerable.
cheer us up on a good week. let us pretend we're hugging U for a couple minutes...
U help make life a little easier while Ur having fun.

i think what impresses me most is how PROUD Ur photographers are of you models!

they're not just taking pictures, they're trying to record you like a piece of art. U girls just don't GET how sentimental us guys really are. LOL
looks like U like them pretty good too, judging from the smiles & hip-tosses U throw our way!

luv U guys! but U already know that!...eyeballs