We have multiple pieces of advice. But one is.
Create an open and nonjudgmental place for communication where each can share their sexual feelings about something with out fear of rejection or loss. Something they may want to try or the thought of it turns them on.
Keep it spicy...tell each other your fantasies and go after them.
We totally agree. Our open communication came about years ago as a result of finding out that each of us had had an affair. His was with a woman at the office which lasted about 2 months. Mine was with another woman that I worked with as a client. That lasted a year. It didn't come out for more than a year later but it resulted in us beginning to talk about things that we never did before. In our opinion one of the big problems particularly in marriage if not an all relationships is the lack of sexual honesty. Being afraid that we might lose that partner if we are honest about what we really want and desire and think about.