I am starting to get withdrawal symptoms now!! .. come on guys I need my fix of your hot naked bodies ;) ;)
Hmmmmmm for you Cassia I might have to do some more, maybe Shower and after shower pics, what do you think darlin... :-)
i still post, just havent done any contri in awhile. usually just one photo at a time or so...but can always figure something out for ya....lol. cant have you going through withdrawl cassia
i guess that's a part of the sight I haven't done a lot of exploring in
I guess I didn't think my opinions would matter
or what if I said the wrong thing
or hurt someone's feelings
or my sense of humor would get out of control, and it wouldn't be appropriate while lookin at dick pics
somethings are better left unsaid...and i dont always know that line
Because they all send them to me hehehe
You know what they say star the size don’t matter its all about how you work it dear
Size don't matter huh, where have I heard that before... hmmmmmm if you say so me Dutchess ;-))
It’s friday let the posting begin 😬
How about this ladies, and i'm not joking... Why not you ladies tell us the men what would you like to see us do, pic wise.. positions, clothing, and such.. what would please your eyes and tastes to see ??
Ya post lots of people look but no one makes a comment except the regular ones I have just posted a set and maybe got 6 or 7 comment but 1000 people have looked at the. is a let down that people will look and no one makes comments that is part of why we are here to be truthful.