Bringing this back to the fore front... I still vote norty because she is genuwine, kind, and damn awful cute.. plus I Love her back pic, very saxxyy back girl.....
I agree norty is hot 😃
Dutchess your also a very good mod, I like your wit and your candor.. would say something else but you have a man.. lol, don't wanna be out of place
Scratch me off the list Boston...I'm average at
Aww Carson, here I thought you might pay bird off with a little seed...
Lolol..not in this lifetime or the next mots
hmmmm i wonder if anyone can guess who MY favorite mod is ??
I know chance, and im flattered. Thank you
i had heard a rumor chance had a thing for spanx...explains why its
Mano wears spanx ? and you know this how ?? lol