lmao...playing me? how does one play someone in a chat room? I guess its possible, but its not happening here...that i can promise ya.
Litlle man...lmfaooo. ok ok lmfaooooo, now thats funny shit. dont feel sorry for me star, im having fun and enjoying the convos...and meeting some great people along the way.
im gonna pass on the offer to fuck though....wrong gender and all. thanks though, was nice of ya...try the all dude chat room, maybe you will get lucky there.
ps...enjoy the warm cookies bud
Awww...said in your best beastie impression. No idea what you're going on about, but it was fun to think of beast saying something like that...so thanks
Jeez Star....You got such a hard on for Carson.
LMAO star
Lol...no kidding Trix. Damn
Gee starcatcher, can't ya read? This isn't the fuck thread. Go back to the top and read the heading a little slower and louder to yourself. Sound out those hard words.
Lol bizz....playing with fire bud
such a hater...someone needs to get out of moms basement once in a while....geez
Gotta believe he takes the stairs to the tunnel of love.
lmao star
speaking of old dinosaurs that need to be deleted.....................................................
Mot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😃🤣😃