Howdy Folks
Was just thinking of something. Let's play a game of weather matchmaker.
What I'd like is for those that have had enough rain line up on the left side of the room. Those that need rain, line up on the right.
Going to turn out the lights, play a little Stormy Weather, and I want you to meet in the middle and dance.
I'll just sit this one out though. My luck I'll get Carson as my partner.
can I take my umbrella .??? Ill pick chancer pls
dances with dutchess...u better make that a cumbrella dutchess ur gonna need it
why take an umbrella, I'm sure Chanc has enough "raincoats" to share.
Wears cumgoggles too just incase
Wear a pancho too lol. Like being front row at a Gallhager show lol
lmao a clear once Steel
pulls out his tool.. The BFH... yes its the Wank-O-Matic!
splattersssssssss all over dutchess
OMFG 😂😂😂😂 for me pink.
chance, i aint cleaning that shit up...bring ya own mop and bleach ya perv