This is not at all what I was expecting!   Reply to topic

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 12:45 AM csdl870 csdl870
16 Apr, 2010
Posts: 4

When my husband and I joined this site it was because we both love voyeurism. I love to be watched and I love watching others. Its turns me on. I find it sensual, erotic and sexy as hell. From time to time I would look at the pics that others posted and was amazed at all the beautiful women and handsome men on this site, but what I really enjoyed was caming. We could watch others, get turned on, then put a show on ourselves. The pics were just a bonus. My husband did tell me that each month PV selected winners from those pics. We did post some pics of me playing in the rain and suprisingly we won first place. When he told me we won, I laughed and said "They just do that when you first post so you will continue to take pics." I saw lots of beautiful women who should have got first place. As things went on we posted more pics not expecting to win, just posted hopeing others would enjoy the pics we took, then things started getting nasty. While checking out other peoples pics I started noticing people leaving crude and hateful remarks. Telling women they were too big, they shouldn't have even posted pics because they weren't no good, so on and so forth. When caming we would receive nasty messages from people telling me my boobs were too small or my ass wasn't as good looking as someone elses ass. I am very comfortable in my own skin. I don't claim to be beautiful and I don't need someone pointing out my flaws and judging me especially when I am willing to share what I look like from head to toe to others. Then comes the voting on pics. For the month of February I wrote down daily the scores on the leaderboard. Our pics Hot or Cold??? stayed at #1 majority of the month. When voting closed our score was 8.46 the highest. When the winners were announced we came in 3rd. My husband was very upset. I wasn't because I knew the whole voting thing was bull shit. I didn't expect to win because I have been watching the voting in the past months. My husband posted a comment on the whole thing about the voting and then jaimilyn refered to me as a SLUT! Well yeah honey sometimes I am a slut for my man and he loves it! As for curiouskim who commented by saying I was just here for the scores and I am punishing those who want to enjoy, this is so not true. I could careless if I win or not. My husband was upset because he feels like I got cheated because I was in first place most of the month and when voting ended I had the highest score. Winning is just a bonus. PV needs to get their voting system figured out. There should never be that big of a delay when it comes to the votes. Another thing I don't understand is now if you are from the US and you win a cash prize you have to give your bank name and account number. Duh! I don't think so. Do you want my Social Security number while your at it? We have made lots of wonderful friends here and we would like to thank everyone who left wonderful comments on our pics. We are glad you enjoyed them. We had lots of fun and great sex making them. We will continue taking pics and having fun and sharing them with others, just not on here! Mrs. CSDL

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 03:49 AM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

Hmm...I am sensing a pattern here.

It's for this reason that those of us, who do enjoy viewing the ladies here, get so frustrated when some ass hat has something negative to say about them, and then we all suffer when the ladies leave.

Come on, guys and girls, and get your heads out of your asses. If we make these lovely ladies feel uncomfortable, this right here is what happens.

Now there's one less beautiful woman for us to see. Thanks again, nasty comment leavers.

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 07:27 AM juicyjennie juicyjennie
24 Mar, 2009
Posts: 61

Thank you Ms. Csdl. You just gave me the most believable answer I have heard to date. You win at first to keep you posting. The anti-cheating angle is bullshit. Each premium account gets one vote on one contribution. Which brings up another point. If I give everyone a 10 or a 1, it really makes no difference. If PV can change my vote because they think it’s too low, why vote? Or why question strange scores? They change them because they can and there’s nothing we can do about it. On the amateur side, there are @400,000 views per contribution. How many votes? Who knows. Tim was all pissed off crunching numbers for different vote ranges and all other kind of bullshit. I had to start a game of “Catholic School Girl Crossing Guard” to shut his ass up. Bottom line is it takes a huge number of cheaters (10,000 +) to significantly change a score in the amateur pictures and thousands in the premium. So once again, it’s not the comments. Losers are losers and they will always try to bring people down to their level. The comments get removed. It’s not the money and it isn’t not winning either. It is the scoring system being manipulated for their own purposes. It’s the inherent dishonesty in the replies. (remember when they said people would rather have a premium membership than the $100 4th place?)
I still luv having my picture taken and I’m going to collect that $50,000 rider (if I can fuck him to death) on my old man’s life insurance policy. But I’m not posting more pictures on this site.
PS I think you are way hot, Ms. CSDL

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 12:37 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

We have people who cheat on this site period! We have people who create more than one account, we have people who vote everyone a 1 and themselves a 10 constantly, there are others who try many different ways to alter the voting, so what you are saying is that we should allow these people to manipulate the contests anyway they like and he who cheats best wins?

We try very hard to make the contest fair, why else would we weed out the people who we can see are clearly cheating? We want the people who get the highest score without cheating to win, is this a bad thing?

So what else can we do to make these contest fairer then?
What would you folks suggest we do that would make you happier?

P.S- We changed the payment system to USA winners to make payments faster and easier, we are not some back street operation, we have been around since 1998 folks and have paid many winners year in year out!


Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 02:44 PM MrSassy64 MrSassy64
9 Sep, 2010
Posts: 3

When you manipulate the scores after the fact, all fairness ends, as you, by you own admission, are deciding which votes should count.

You asked what you can do. I'd suggest that you tie each submissions vote to an IP address and set a persistant cookie (if someone doesn't want to allow a cookie in their browser, they don't get to vote) when a vote is cast. I assume that the scoring is kept on a database server, such a sql, its not difficult and would eliminate much of the voting problems you described. That's how it was done when I ran an ISP/hosting service a few years ago. Most people only have a single IP, so creating mutiple accounts wouldn't allow them more votes. Sure they could run all over to wirless hotspots and aquire different IP's, but how many people are going to do that.

As far as voting oneself a 10 and everyone else a 1, if they only get a single vote, it would all average out in the end. Once you interject your self into deciding what counts and what doesn't, there is no fairness.

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 05:04 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

So the cheaters votes should count we shouldn't check the votes? The human factor is very small in this to be as fair as possible! It would take someone a very very very long time to check the votes!

As you know i can't go into every detail of this system, as you know you can only vote once per account per contri, we already have everything you mention, ip's are easy changed without moving location, cookies are easily deleted so none of them are full proof ways.

Why should we not want someone to win? We don't gain from someone not winning and another winning!!!

We introduced the "you can't win the same contest two months in a row" rule to give everyone a fair chance. Why would we favour members?

Why would we even bother with the contests?

RE: Server syncs- This happens at different times on different servers and different things sync up at different times, the winners page will update before the individual contri pages and this is where the differnce in score can show up, one can show the final score after the votes have been checked where as the contri pages take longer to sync as there are many more pages of these, we use alot of power to run the site with instant messages / mail system / voting / profiles / searches ect and cached pages like the contri pages that don't change that often do take longer.

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 05:08 PM csdl870 csdl870
16 Apr, 2010
Posts: 4

While checking the scores of the winners a little while ago,some how they have changed.They say it takes several days for the scores, to be added up, by the severes. How can we send money from the usa to another country and know it arrived in less than 2 minutes.As for the scoring it takes 4-5-6 days to be posted,and winner, e-mailed and told you have won,when you look at the scores people that won have lower scores than you do and won first and second.When we started to bitch, the people above use,there scores jumped up,just one for you to look at (8.32 to a 8.86)If there score jumped why didn't our change.Just the scores of the people they wanted to win,we don't have any thing bad to say about the people that post,more power to you for doing it.When we came to this site we started chating with several people and became friends with.When we go into chat now they are no longer their,it all new people.We belive that they don't want the same people on her all the time,they want new bodies to look at.We came here to have fun,post pics,go on cam,and enjoy are selfs,the winning is a bonus,if you win great,when people are told you have this score,and severals days later you change it to fit what you want.You need to be honest with the people on this site. You keep telling the same story.We might not be the smartest people on this earth,but we now when we are getting screwed,and not enjoying it.As we will no longer be posting on this site, Your lose.Thanks to all of our friends and voters,for the nice comments.Even to the people who have nothing good to say at all.

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 05:21 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

If you score didn't change then you were not a victim of cheating, not every single person here is dishonest

“The ISP controls the assignment of IP addresses” – Not all ISP use static ips – I’m not telling everyone how to change there IP’s but as you seem to know what you are talking about I’ll say it’s something beginning with “P”.

“None of the other sites that we frequent seem to have the wild score changes seen here, so something your doing is not working.” – Are they doing anything to stop cheating? Our scores could stay the same if we left the cheaters votes in, how fair is that?

Again why would we favor one person over another here? I can understand it can be disappointing not to win but someone’s disappointment is another’s joy, we are trying to be fair and have a fair voting system, we have nothing to gain over this!

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 08:02 PM csdl870 csdl870
16 Apr, 2010
Posts: 4

I feel liking i'm talking a little kids.Who is trying to tell me i'm a cheat and dishonest,it's a losing battle.Our score never changed only the people you put ahead of us 1th and 2th.There points went up .54 points.From what i have been seeing,some people are listing pics the same day they joined pv.They seem to look like model pics,just my thought.What ever,we don't care any more.we know we will be getting kicked out of here,so be it.

Posted On: 8 Mar, 2011 at 08:46 PM pinklicker pinklicker
13 Jun, 2009
Posts: 271

With all the things wrote lately about the contest,scoring,and feeling unappreciated. I have to question, Why even have a contest?? It would seem that all the ladies that knowingly post here,do it for the fun and excitment and not for a chance to win prize money. For that matters I find it hard to believe that the little bit of prize money offered would be enough of an incentive to make a woman who was modest with her body post nudes here. And even if you do win....It seems to be a hassel to receive your winnings. OK with the money part of it set aside. I realize for those ladies that finish in the top 5 it can be a real boost when you look at all the ladies that post each month. That's great for those who finish high. But when you consider how many ladies post each month.....that leaves a lot of ladies shut out in the cold. To be honest the contest is too much like livestock judging at the county fair. Ladies need to meet a certain standard to be deemed best of the bunch. Prehaps the smart thing to do would be for PV not to reconize just a few girls with there contest and all star gallery. Instead just allow people to posts here and leave it up to the other members to show appreciation with there comments and rating them on there profiles. It would sure make things more simple and a way to avoid the can of worms that has been opened. Plus if there were no contest....all the time and effort to count votes and to keep people from cheating could be used to monitor comments and the chatrooms. Hell if that was the case there might be fewer jackasses here and you might even get a few worth while members to stick around.