The Handsome Stranger (in multiple parts)   Reply to topic

Posted On: 21 Mar, 2011 at 12:33 PM nenuphar nenuphar
6 Mar, 2011
Posts: 4

Don’t you hate it when you’re sure that it's a noise that has awakened you but then , when all your senses are pin sharp, when every hair on your body stands erect and bristling, there is total silence?

Bethany thought so as she lay there, alone in her marital bed, listening intently. But there was nothing to break the intense silence, and neither was there anything to see only the bright light of a rising full moon shining through the vast glass area that was the exterior bedroom wall.

Adjusting the skimpiness of her silk nightgown to cover her full breasts Bethany slid down beneath the covers and with a sweep of her hand drew her long blonde hair from her face before snuggling back into the softness of the pillow.

Automatically her arm reached out beside her to where there ought to be the warm, firm, masculine body of her husband. There was nothing but the coolness of the silk sheet. Even in her sleepy state it made her smile to acknowledge that her hand reached out to where it hoped to find the epitome of masculinity, a phallus. Her sigh was more of disappointment than of frustration as she had become used to the absence of David her husband when he was away on a business trip. Hadn’t he bought for her the best gold vibrator that money could buy, to act as a substitute for his wonderful manhood?

As her thoughts strayed to the hope that her dreams would be visited by a handsome, virile stranger, who would take her wanting body to the heights of ecstasy, there it was again... this time unmistakeably a sound from somewhere in the house. Bethany felt her tanned skin tingle in anticipation and anxiety. Had somebody entered the house... a burglar? Damn it, why tonight when David wasn’t there? But why, why, why on a night when her hair was a mess and she had retired with only a cursory attempt at removing the make-up of the previous day? There was simply no justice.

Bethany wondered if she should enlist the help of Claire, her best friend who had been delighted to accept the invitation to paint the town then stay overnight with her. No point in waking her just because of a sound that would probably turn out to be the water system or some such silly thing. Summoning up all her courage and aware that she was somewhat under dressed in the skimpy, sheer nightgown, Bethany glided her slim, slight body on long shapely legs in the direction of the living area.

The big room was bathed in bright moonlight which seemed to spotlight the unlit lamps and the faux objet d'art with which she had so skilfully decorated her house. Two of her most favourite pieces were large alabaster statuettes depicting naked lovers sensually entwined in a standing embrace.

David often teased her that at times he had caught her staring at them, so obviously lost in some dream of a deeply sensual nature. Once he had slipped his large hand under her clothing to find that the gossamer fabric that she wore as panties was saturated in fluids exuded from a vagina ripe, willing and receptive to the penis that he had immediately offered and that she so gratefully and demandingly accepted.

Her eyes now adjusted to the low lighting, Bethany scanned the living area and her attention was attracted to another pair of naked and entwined lovers. These lovers were not only full-sized but animated and from whose lips came the sounds of passionate osculation.

At an instant the heat of temper rose and spread throughout Bethany's body as her mind raced with thoughts of deception, deceit, adultery, betrayal, and she took a step forward in order to find a weapon with which to beat the pair of adulterers. Then in the bright moonlight she saw a face that was not recognisable as one with which she was acquainted. Most certainly not that of her beloved David... not that of course she had entertained such a thought for more than one millisecond. Bethany mentally chastised herself for even entertaining the thought that this beautiful naked male could be David, not that her husband wasn’t...; she turned her attention back to the lovers.

That step forward had taken her into a pool of illumination from which she retreated praying that the couple had not been made aware of her presence. From experience Bethany was well aware that many if not all lovers in the passion of their lovemaking closed their eyes, losing themselves in the delights of their senses.

It seemed somewhat strange at this moment to remember that Bethany had never seen her best friend and confidant completely naked. Even at the poolside Claire had worn a minimum of a bikini. How was it that bikini bottoms could disguise such a shapely tush? Bethany squinted in the low light endeavouring to gain the maximum information about her girlfriend's naked body. No chance of telling just what Claire's boobs were like as they were mashed hard again the stranger's chest.

The couple writhed and danced as one body, holding each other, moving their bodies first in unison then in opposition. A sheen of pleasure coated their bodies as hands travelled over body, as skin pressed against skin.

Having swept her moist, pink tongue over lips dried by her rising desire Bethany realised that she had become a voyeur, furtively enjoying the sight of the couple as they progressed in the first steps of their lovemaking. It was time to slip, discretely back to her lonely bed where inevitably fingers would be drawn to the organ that would receive no delightfully thick and hard penis. There her digits would have to provide scant substitute for the type of object that in a short time would be pleasuring her friend Claire.

That “object”, that staff of such pleasurable flesh...; Bethany realised that she had yet to be graced with even a glimpse of what her friend would be enjoying. The lovers were holding each other so tightly that not even a wisp of the finest gossamer would have been able to infiltrate. Where between them was that organ? Was it as she herself would adore, pressing insistently, grooving a furrow in Claire's tight belly. Or was it, and Bethany felt a shiver of desire at the thought, squashed between her girlfriend's thighs, pressing insistently at the blood engorged lips of her vagina?

Those thoughts had Bethany mentally slapping her hand as fingers glided down her thinly covered belly intent on reaching for her own sexual organs. Of course the slap was purely in her mind, there was little intention of physically stopping the inevitable actions of satisfying the demand of an aroused vagina.

As the naked couple gyrated their bodies in the beams of light from the moon Bethany's fingers gyrated to their own particular terpsichore, around, over and beyond her twin sets of labia sensitised by the flow of blood pumped by a heart beat of ever increasing rhythm.

The couple progressed their lovemaking lead by Claire whose hand darted between their bodies searching and seeking, and so naturally finding the stranger's penis. So obviously did it please her as fingers wrapped around its girth that she moved her body away from his to look down at the prize they had captured. If ever there was doubt in the voyeur's mind it was swept aside as the squeal of delight that her friend Claire emitted.

Pangs of jealousy gnawed at Bethany for a second. How her hand wanted to hold that giver of so much delight. To feel its warmth, its firmness, its girth and to know that soon it would be introduced to the entrance of her tight tube that would, if so allowed, devour it greedily until that satisfying sensation of the guy's sac, now tight and full of semen, pressed against her bottom, indicated that she had captured the entire length.

As her fingers administered their time proven delights Bethany was forced into a decision; to give in to her dancing fingers and risk the loving couple discovering her presence or to restrict her immediate pleasures so as to take a greater pleasure a time later as the two began the serious business of coupling. In the end it was a compromise; to bring herself to orgasm and hope that she could stifle the usual moan of delight, then to continue until exhausted or discovered.

The bright moonlight now illuminated Claire's body and Bethany discovered that her friend had the most beautiful if somewhat small breasts and that her mount of venus was naked. But what attracted Bethany's attention was what Claire now held in her hand so lovingly; the stranger's penis. Even in the low light it appeared quite long, certainly longer than David's.

Claire raised herself on the tips of her toes and kissed her man, then with her eyes on his she slithered her slim body over his until she was on one knee. Her left hand slowly ran up the guy's thigh, her fingers then cupped his tight sac and began a slow manipulation of his testes. Her right hand gripped the staff at the base and pulled toward the end and Bethany licked her lips as she saw the tight foreskin cover the head.

Still with her eyes fixed on those of her lover Claire slowly and deliberately drew her hand down the shaft gripping firmly enough to ease the foreskin clear to reveal the magnificent head. Bethany's fingers pressed hard at her aching clitoris, swirling in circles over the folds of sensitive labia. Her teeth grated over her bottom lip to stifle a moan. Her diaphanous nightwear was becoming an irritating barrier to the ministrations at the source of her delight. In an instant and with more sound than Bethany expected the gown was removed and lie discarded at her feet leaving her toned, slim body naked. Now Bethany's firm, full breasts were naked and available to her other hand and she took full advantage, kneading, massaging and squeezing. Each nipple received a loving if somewhat firm nip as finger and thumb rolled them into even harder erection.

Bethany wanted more detail, to be closer to the action, so stealthily she moved around the furniture in the deep shadows of the large room, the hand between her thighs making it less than easy to walk quietly. At a large, low backed canapé she stopped, it would offer a little support as she continued to administer to her sexual organs.

Claire's hand slipped easily along the length of the man's erection, pressing firmly on his pubic bone then sliding to the tip that disappeared into her palm. Easily, steadily, back and forth all the while the lover's eyes were locked in their own distant yet sensual embrace. Fingers rolled his testes expertly around in the tightly stretched sac. As the manipulations of his sexual organs took more effect the guy's breathing began to become more laboured. Bethany watched in awe and desire as his powerful chest began to rise and fall and his firm belly twitched and rolled.

Claire too saw what effect she was having and a grin of satisfaction spread over her beautiful face; she tossed her head and the long locks of hair fell over her shoulders to flow over her back. She quickened the pace of her stroking hand and was rewarded with grunts of pleasure from her man. For just a second her hand was withdrawn from its captive as Claire generously coated her palm and fingers with saliva to provide lubrication. Five or six swift strokes of Claire's hand had the guy throwing back his head and emitting a long moan. “Shhhh Julian” whispered Claire, “you will wake Bethany!” Bethany giggled quietly to herself as she dipped a finger between her labia into the tight, wet tunnel beyond.

Claire's hooked finger encircled Julian's glans back and forth, then followed up by sliding her thumb firmly over the underside of the head. As he grunted and moaned Bethany had to bite her lip to prevent her crying out in sheer want of a penis for herself on which to replicate those actions. Knowing what inevitably would follow, Bethany wondered if she would be able to watch and not cry out or even join in as her best friend held her man's hard flesh just an inch from her face.

Closing her eyes in anticipation Claire pulled the hard flesh to her mouth, extending her moist, pink tongue to lap at the shiny head. Her eyes opened again to see that Julian's reaction was to screw up his eyes in sheer enjoyment. As noisily as a kid licking at a popsicle she slurped her tongue over and around the dark, shiny head, even inserting the tip into the pee-hole. Julian was in ecstasy and grasped Claire's head in his hands only for the girl to shake them free; she would control this part of their lovemaking.

Could she? Was there time ? Would she miss anything if she padded quietly back to her room? Bethany had to take that chance, she needed help.

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