Stolen vids!!   Reply to topic

Posted On: 3 Apr, 2011 at 06:41 AM admete admete
1 May, 2010
Posts: 3

Thanks for the reply,and I will,it felt so bad,to see my vid on another site,on some strangers profile,who made out they were his!!!It was thanks to a guy here that he warned me,about it otherwise I would never have known,I have threatened the "thief",with legal action,that I might even take if he continues,thanks once again jo

Posted On: 3 Apr, 2011 at 11:27 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

social posts R fun, but THIS is o joke!!!
(read my profile, i've lived my life with the trust of others & visa versa)

PV has deeper pockets than you or me, THEY are Ur 1st alai.
stolen content violates THEIR copyrights! at that end, stay in touch & let me know, even if by private message.

recently my gal-pal wuz in ....censorship shut down our troops ability 2 talk 2 their family's back home. she solved a bypass, problem solved nuff said.
gotta an ip address on this guy?...just curious...

god bless dear, mind if i enjoy Ur nekkidness long as i promise not 2 B a creep? (i'm REALLY lonely! nope, not trying 2 B funny)

Posted On: 4 Apr, 2011 at 12:20 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi , these videos belong to you, you should contact the site that they are posted on saying that you are the legal owner of them and that they have been stolen, the webmaster should remove them without question.



Posted On: 4 Apr, 2011 at 12:22 PM admete admete
1 May, 2010
Posts: 3

Just wanted to tell everyone that some of my vids were stolen from PV!!They were downloaded by a guy called,Nunbrew,from a site called "Forums sexy and funny",I have already warned him,that it is illegal,to show me and my vids,and that I have the right to take legal action against him.He said that he was able to download from the "teaser" page,that PV,puts on- line.I just want to know what you all think about this?I find it disgracfull,that my hard work can be stolen and used by others who take all the merit,also I want to know what PV will do about it? Also I will think twice about putting another vid on here,shame because I have a lot more to show and give!!Kisses to everyone,hope to hear from someone!!

Posted On: 6 Apr, 2011 at 10:40 AM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hi, people want to download videos, we can't take that away, any well run site that recieves a request to remove a stolen video will remove it, they don't want knicked stuff on there site.

Have you contacted them and requested that they remove it?


Posted On: 10 Apr, 2011 at 06:42 PM admete admete
1 May, 2010
Posts: 3

Thanks for the reply,Ed,and yes,I had to go to that site,and tell them to take my vids off,which they did,and as Jo says,I prefer here and staying here,other sites don't interest me and it made so mad that someone else could take my vids so easily,the guys at the site made out that it was normal for them to take from other sites as,others stole from theirs,I never have or ever would!!.The guy at the site,said he used a"real player"to download the vid from your teaser page(which I don't know what both are)and that he wasn't even a member here,thanks for the feedback and concern,Admete