Size or Skill   Reply to topic

Posted On: 16 Jan, 2011 at 04:12 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

There have been a lot of debate on the above topic.
So I'm wondering which one would the ladies on PV
prefer? Come on ladies, let's see your views.
Guys do join in please and we'll see what you have
to say. Thanks.


Posted On: 16 Jan, 2011 at 07:20 PM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

Well Joe from comments I have seen on the main comment board & in the private chat requests I get, I personally think you guys are the ones with the "size" obsession. The joke amongst some of the females on here is that the guys in PV land are all 9". I don't know how some of you guys could enjoy your experiences if you are always wondering how you compare to the person before you!!

I don't care what size a guy is. Personally, as long as there is sexual tension, chemistry & fun, it REALLY doesn't matter. All that matters is that BOTH parties enjoy themselves & reach orgasm!!! Afterall, isn't that why we engage in sexual encounters & explore our fantasies???

Posted On: 17 Jan, 2011 at 04:24 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

Thanks for your interesting views. I like your attitude
towards sex, in fact I quite agree with you on some of
the points. Sexual chemistry or attraction is definitely
a must or else it's a waste of time. If ever I have the
chance to meet you, I would certainly love to engage in
an interesting conversation over a meal...lunch or dinner
on me of course. It would be a pleasure.

Posted On: 17 Jan, 2011 at 06:32 PM pinklicker pinklicker
13 Jun, 2009
Posts: 271

OH geez Not another dick thread. It's cool your curious and you asked a question. But let's face it a dick is a dick. As long as your not hung like a field mouse and you last longer then 30 seconds you probably can get the job done. It seems that men are more hung up with size then women. And as I said before, The only one your dick is special to is you. Romanance and foreplay make for good sex. Not whether you have 6 or 8 inches.

Posted On: 18 Jan, 2011 at 12:35 AM cmoure cmoure
17 Oct, 2009
Posts: 240

So glad it ain't 12 inches cause then ya would have to call it a foot. lol

Posted On: 18 Jan, 2011 at 12:30 PM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

aww browneyes...there wuz somebody BEFORE me? say it ain't so!!
i met the hugest cock ever in the jungle. 5'6" tall, is johnson hung about halfway down his thigh. nnothing like it before or since.

us guys were droolin, WISHING we had THAT!
depending on the day, there wasn't a man there bathing in that swamp that hadn't saved or been saved. we could talk...

his name was lovett. good soldier, dependable, brave. he didn't make it home...U can pay Ur respects at the wall.

that day he told us to forget it! then told us how girls would freak when they saw it. how he turned lights off, only to hear her whimpering in pain when he was only one third of the way in...didn't sound like fun.

classic case of "be careful wot U wish for"...eyeballs

Posted On: 18 Jan, 2011 at 04:51 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

You're right pink. Women takes a bit longer to cum.
Foreplay will help her to cum a lot faster if one
knows the tricks. If you have the "skill", your
partner can have 2 orgasms before you penetrate.

Posted On: 18 Jan, 2011 at 04:51 PM restlessjoe restlessjoe
12 Oct, 2010
Posts: 191

Nice joke cmoure!!!

Posted On: 20 Jan, 2011 at 12:46 PM toosexy55672 toosexy55672
24 May, 2010
Posts: 7

it has to be skill for me dont do big what the point if its over sized.
rub my feet and legs working to my inner thigh massage away then do what he wants (the hubby)but to be honest dont know about you girls since childbirth well my third (thats what nearly 2yrs)can only cum once thats all i want totally satisfied after that but before i wanted to go on and on.
any help with that and before you say not satisfied i am :).

Posted On: 5 Feb, 2011 at 12:31 PM blueeyes2011 blueeyes2011
15 Jan, 2011
Posts: 3

If two people have a sexual connection, size or skill doesn't always matter, the passion alone will guide what happens!