I have an idea ladies and gentlemen, and I'll even go through the trouble of mapping it out for everyone:
This is a porn site, not a political platform. If you want to talk dicks, vaginas, boobies (especially boobies), fucking, sucking, anal, boobies covered in soapy lather, then this is the place to do it.
If you want to get on your soapbox about anything political, fuck off and do that shit on facebook, or phone a friend who shares your proclivities.
well said min
Thank you min...well said
for once he right lol ps about the hats
ok I wanna talk about vaginas, boobies, fucking, sucking, anal and boobies covered in soapy lather...dutchess pvt me please
ok chance
Dennis, I rarely kill threads from the get go because quite simply, I expect adults on an adult site to act like adults. The reason your comment was deleted was because I deleted the comment you were referencing and once I did that, your comment would have made zero sense to anyone viewing the thread for the first time. It wasn't personal.
And that was the way it was, I have always said keep the political shit out, that means every single one of you pervs, not just a select few just cause.. I say one political word out of a mouth ban them the rest of the day, no ands ifs or butts.. :-))
I am still waiting to see mins boobs all lathered up...
I just puked....thanks for that image mots