Semi Pro or Pro Winning the Prize?   Reply to topic

Posted On: 13 Oct, 2009 at 08:11 AM derk4fun derk4fun
29 Mar, 2009
Posts: 12

Ever wonder who some of those perfect shots belong too, or why the lighting and make-up is just so good. Are they amateurs taking thier time or semi-pro/pro shooters and models looking to make a fast buck? I think there needs to be a limit on thier chances of winning "amateur" contensts but its all based on the vote

Perhaps ADMIN makes another catagory; SEMI PRO or ART SHOTS

Posted On: 14 Oct, 2009 at 01:10 AM sunnisdrksde sunnisdrksde
8 Oct, 2009
Posts: 4

Not sure if My reply from last night posted, and I don't see it, so here it is again...

Yes, we were just talking about how it would be nice if PV had something like an "artistic" section, as we're NOT pros, (yet) but we are both serious hobbyist photographers, we're both used to being in front of cameras as well, and we do spend A LOT of time on our pictures.


Posted On: 14 Oct, 2009 at 04:50 PM therealed therealed
19 Nov, 2008
Posts: 409

Hey guys,

Thanks for bringing this up. We are always looking for new avenues to keep our posters happy, and we will considere this as an option.

In the meantime please post your artistic shots in the amateur section.

Thanks again,

Posted On: 5 Feb, 2010 at 09:13 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

Several things. If one of the girls has a blemish or zit erupt, I Photoshop it out. That doesn’t make for a perfect complexion but at least you aren’t calling attention to it. Sometimes the perfect shot comes from having 400 that aren’t perfect. When I used to use film, if 6 pictures out of 24 were keepers, that was a good ratio. With digital, I can see a problem and correct it immediately. Also, real professionals would not tolerate all the drooling I do;)

Posted On: 16 Feb, 2010 at 04:57 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

This controversy is bigger than whether or not the President has a US birth certificate. There is only one way to put this baby (pussykat) to bed and settle this, once and for all. I will take one for the PV team and volunteer my very amateur services for a photo shoot with pussykat. I will prove I am not above almost any attempt to insert myself into this debate, just so I can take naked pictures of a beautiful girl;)

Posted On: 16 Feb, 2010 at 11:57 AM markwh markwh
15 Jan, 2010
Posts: 11

At the end of the day it is down to what people think and most people are capable of spotting the professional shoot. Lets just enjoy all the great sexy pics