Rude photo comments = shooting ourselves in the foot.   Reply to topic

Posted On: 2 Sep, 2010 at 06:45 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

Some quick math. If an entry gets 5000 9s, it’s average score is 9. If an entry gets 4999 9s and one 1 (that I have given in an attempt to rig the vote), it’s average score is 8.9984. If an entry gets 4999 9s and one 8 (a pitiful attempt at redemption after admitting I give ones), it’s average score is 8.9998.
Notice both of those numbers are less than 9. Notice that the score of 1 vs. 8 is statistically insignificant in 5000 votes. Notice in my post that I said it was a tiebreaker at best, a tiebreaker I would give to myself or a friend without a second thought. Notice I said some would understand this as a voting strategy and some wouldn’t. Maybe you voted for the other candidate running against you for class office but I didn’t. I voted for myself.
You have obviously misunderstood (or chose to misrepresent?) my position on voting. If I say I choose not to vote, how does that turn into saying all the rest suck? I clearly stated that I don’t like to judge the entries. You clearly stated you do. So go ahead but don’t try to force me to rate all of the entries or infer that I don’t because they suck. Those are your words not mine.
Finally, your “guess” as to what I am saying is as off base as the rest of your interpretation of my post.. If the difference between 1st and 2nd place is .0002, I think both entries have made it on their own merits. What I am saying is that if given the chance to decide who wins, I will choose me or a friend. The site gives the option of voting 1 through 10, not just 8,9, or 10.
Giving a one is not the same as leaving a rude/nasty comment. One is a public slap in the face. One is a private judgment call seen only by the computer that tallies the votes and allowed by the rules of the contest. You can’t tell the difference between those 2 activities?

Posted On: 2 Sep, 2010 at 09:13 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659


There is only one way to interpret a voting scale. If 10 is the best, then 1 is the worst. I will reclassify the lower end from “sucks” to “worst”. And in your mathematics, you act like you are the only person voting a one. I look at all the posts, male & female, as well as the comments. I have seen quite a few people, all male I might add state in their comments that they are voting a 1 because they do not agree that you males or couples should be posting videos in the same section as the females. How about the ones who let you know they voted low because the poster didn’t show their face or they weren’t completely naked or they are looking at a post of a bbw & they prefer skinny.

The site runs contests based on voting. What are you voting on???? You should be voting on the content of the posts. Again, even if you are voting a 1 as a tiebreaker as you put it, you are still intentionally lowering someone else’s score. I’m sure you’re not the only person doing that, so yes it can affect someone’s score. I said that if you intentionally gave someone a 1 as your tiebreaker that was the same as saying the post sucked or leaving a nasty message. You can justify it anyway you want, but it all boils down to the scale, 10 is best 1 is worst.

And where in my post did I say you had to vote on every entry??? UMMMM nowhere!!! And I didn’t say I vote on every entry either. Like I said, if there is nothing nice to say, move on. You said that you do no like to judge the posts & that is fine. I chose to do so because they guys are always complaining that the females don't look at or vote for their posts.

Yes, the site does give the option of voting on a scale of 1-10. I have no problem if someone truly does not like a post & chooses to give it a 1. Again, my problem is giving it a 1 because it is in the top 10 & you don’t want it to win.

Now to quote you:
"Giving a one is not the same as leaving a rude/nasty comment. One is a public slap in the face. One is a private judgment call seen only by the computer that tallies the votes and allowed by the rules of the contest. You can’t tell the difference between those 2 activities?"

I see no difference between the two activities. You classify the rude/nasty comment as a public slap in the face. Well, I classify your “private judgment” as a slap in the face also. Would you be so quick to give out all those 1’s when the time came if they poster could see how you voted??

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 12:43 AM pinklicker pinklicker
13 Jun, 2009
Posts: 271

It's just childish to leave rude comments. Maybe some people need to grow up. If you don't like what you see,keep your mouth shut and move on until you find something you do like.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 01:19 AM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

Pinklicker, I couldn't have said it better. That's really what it boils down to. I'm sorry to say in my travels today, I spotted more and more rude comments.

From a personal growth standpoint, I know we need to learn to ignore the asshats of the crowd, rather than let them bring us down on account of their failings. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done, and those same asshats take away from everyone's experience, not just their own. If a woman posts what she considers to be a very telling photo, only to be degraded, it's unlikely she will post again. Not only has she suffered at the hands of these clots, but those appreciative viewers among us suffer too.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 02:18 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

I dont care if your the hottest girl or guy in the world, still bothers a person when some assjerk shoots their mouth off!

Bottom line is you cant stop them from posting rude crap, but what could be done is just like in chat rooms, the poster or contributer should be able to block the person and/or delete the message them selves on profile and contributions, and like i said above^ up there..... if for some reason pv thinks we were wrong then put it back! dont know what could be deleted though, that would have to be put back.

Look, we dont have to post my pictures, nether does anyone else, It would not break our heart if we never post my pictures again, anywhere. I could let random people look at my pictures anywhere,anytime,anyplace.. :) I can still dress up go out get looked at, make guys get hard ons, go on and start all over the next day. So I'm sure i wont lose anything in that matter..


Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 02:41 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

gezz it always cuts off my messages!!!!

We like this site a lot!!! and the (nice) people on it!!!! We are Not here to bash pv what so ever, just want to be happy and enjoy it, enjoy posting pics and all. If it becomes no fun, it stops, for us anyway, we move on. It's not that bad but could get that way if it continues, but for some it may be too.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 03:38 AM pinklicker pinklicker
13 Jun, 2009
Posts: 271

Your such a HOTTIE funstuff...I can't see why anyone would have anything bad to say about you hun.

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 06:13 AM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

Ty pinklicker thats very nice of you. but thats just it, I have not received no "bad" comments yet. and it don't have to really be "bad" even, the comments ( your not get naked fast enough), or (you get a 6 now but i'll give higher if you get naked) or (oh, wow, those clothes again) or (need to show this or that) (fuck off to all and any of those) Just the trying to hold ratings over your head, getting pushy, it all has it's effects. I'm not posting to win couple hundred dollars pfft....not rich but sure dont need to post here and put up with shit to win any contest and sure in the hell dont need to be told that, if you do this i'll give you a fucking 7 8 9 or 10.. are you kidding me.

thats all, :)

Posted On: 3 Sep, 2010 at 05:26 PM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

A few things. Obviously there is more than one way to interpret the scale. I have tried to explain to you what it means to me. You cannot or will not accept an explanation that uses a different method of reasoning other than your own. In your opinion there is only one meaning. That doesn’t make it fact.
How does what other people say in their comments, all males by what you say, have anything to do with what I say? Search this site and show me a negative comment I have posted on a contribution.
You stated you see no difference between a nasty comment and a 1. I think it’s obvious but if you don’t, you don’t.
My first post stated some would understand and some would not. You don’t. You can accept we have different opinions or continue to argue an insignificant score change. If you think .0002 is an insult, bummer.
Giving 8, 9, or 10 to everybody and no score to your “WTF” entries alters final scores a lot more than I do. Because number of votes alters the scores too. You remove score from the lowest scores. I remove it from the highest. This is a fact, not opinion. Do the math.
Finally, this thread is about negative comments. There are threads that deal with scoring issues which are a more appropriate setting than this one.