Rude photo comments = shooting ourselves in the foot.   Reply to topic

Posted On: 27 Aug, 2010 at 08:51 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

Just 1 or 2 more things.... I have to say, I have not ran into the (asshole comment postings) as of yet (but we've only posted once....pfft.. except for the (you get higher then a 6 if you do something), dont remember exactly what was said lol!!) F'm.... I'm going by the comments I've read on others post.

And I was wondering what about the comments that are in a foreign language? Is there a way to see what they say?.. without a foreign language dictionary? We will never know if there good or bad comments..... hummm, that may not be such a bad thing, after thinking about

Yes, Browneyes is right..... you don't like it move on, get your self a magazine or see if another site will put up with your shit!

(other comments deleted because of content)

Posted On: 29 Aug, 2010 at 07:32 PM lookalot lookalot
20 Dec, 2009
Posts: 175

Maybe we need a wall of shame for these people.

If their responses get flagged x number of times, they go to a moderator for review to make sure they really are being rude and not victimized. Then, if they are among the rude comment gang, they can be publicly shown for what they are. Put a "this user has been found to be rude" on their profile and a little thumb-down icon on their pic, so anyone who sees them anywhere knows exactly what they are.

Posted On: 29 Aug, 2010 at 11:28 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

We have thought about this also, Maybe the person posting the pictures should have the power to remove comments found to be offensive, not just leave it to PV to police the comments. If for some reason PV disagrees with the poster then put the comment back! Or do a picture page of all the people that have been posted for the day so that if these people don't like a certain poster they can see who it is and not even go to it.

Hey i had wrote more but it erased it, dont feel like rewriting it now. sigh....

Posted On: 30 Aug, 2010 at 03:41 AM ferretman ferretman
6 Jun, 2009
Posts: 20

hey "eyeballs " I have posted my self nude here and it was thanks to a few lovely ladies here and I even went as far as to try to post a video showing the ladies how I enjoyed camming with them but they vids wern't allowed and thanks to me they are now allowing male only videos as well. now as for the rude comments yes anyone making rude comments are shooting them selves in the foot and also making it so less people want to post so we all loose out in the long run. I know that my wife Mrs_ferret and I have slowed down on posting because I had to report bad messages on every post we have put up. the real bad thing is there are a few that leave real bad comments saying to stop posting yet they take the time out to look at every post and make bad comments but by hitting every post it tells me that they like what they see but are scared to admit it so they have to put it down instead

Posted On: 30 Aug, 2010 at 05:02 AM Hiwayman55 Hiwayman55
17 May, 2008
Posts: 218

The answer is in the question: Who are these assholes? Why do the assholes post these comments? Etc. Assholes are assholes. This is the only true germane fact. Asking anything other than rhetorical questions is a waste of time. If they had a reason for perceived asshole-like behavior, an answer that I have no obligation to accept just as he/she has no obligation to give to me in the first place, I think frequency and the ratio of asshole comments/all comments tells the story. An example of this would be if I had an entrant in the top ten. I will give every entry that pokes it’s nose into the top ten a one. A one that has no statistical significance except as a tiebreaker. I would assume all entrants act in their own self-interest. Some might consider that assholish and some will understand the reasoning behind the action. I don’t really vote that often. Usually just when friends have entries. This is because it’s not up to me to judge the never-ending contest that a PV creates. If you do a stint as a PV contribution commentator, a commentator that must make comments about each picture (not just the submission in general), you will understand not voting. But I digress. The bottom line?

Nothing justifies asshole comments. Nothing nice to say doesn’t mean you have to say something bad. In plain humanese? Shut the fuck up.

Don’t like what I say? Fuck off.

Thanks for your time.

Posted On: 30 Aug, 2010 at 06:55 AM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

I'm sorry lookalot but I have to disagree with you. There is no need for a wall of shame, thumbs down or any type of notation on a members profile page marking them as "rude".

Negative comments are simply UNACCEPTABLE!!! They hurt a lot of people & should not be tolerated by the site. There should be only one consequence for such insensitive behavior, and that should be termination of membership, whether paid or unpaid.

Again, there would be no site if members didn't participate in the chat room,
post pictures or cam. So, who is more important to keep as members, the jackasses with the rude/nasty comments or the members who actually enjoy the features of the site??? Really does one need to think about the answer to that??
I don't think so.

Posted On: 30 Aug, 2010 at 11:02 PM funstuff funstuff
2 Dec, 2009
Posts: 878

We think the poster should have the power to delete rude post, they should be allowed to police there own postings and if PV thinks that a comment was deleted unfairly then they can over rule it and put it back. Fact is the people that post here should not be victimized by the "lookers" period.

Well from now on, if we are looking at a post and we see rude comments we will just REPORT them !!! IF ___WE ALL___ START TURNING THEM IN INSTEAD OF LEAVING IT UP TO THE CONTRIBUTER. Maybe if enough of us do start reporting rude comments it may help. We have never done this before, But Started doing it today!!

Posted On: 31 Aug, 2010 at 01:17 PM browneyes16 browneyes16
22 May, 2010
Posts: 659

Hiwayman, I was so busy responding to lookalot's post that I didn't even read yours until now.

Giving everyone in the top 10 a 1 in the voting, in my opinion, is no better than leaving a rude/nasty comment. So in your opinion if it's not one of your own posts or the post of a friend, they all suck no matter how fantastic the post may be??? That is just f**ked up!! And in my opinion, no better than "rigging" the contest. I guess what you are really saying is that your posts & those of your friends can't win on their own merit!!

I have my favorites also. However, when I vote my favorites get a 10 & I vote no lower than an 8 for the rest. If I look at a post & think WTF was this person thinking, which has happened a few times, I move on. I don't vote or leave a comment. I see no need to be mean to people or to intentionally lower their scores.

Posted On: 1 Sep, 2010 at 08:58 AM eyeballs eyeballs
16 Oct, 2009
Posts: 358

wow! if people were able 2 discuss economics, race nonsense & politics this candidly, maybe we'd make some progress.

heartfelt, thoughtfull comments were made here. there's little i can add.
i hope PV management pays attention. it is obvious that they care about their site, & the community they've helped 2 create.

i feel terrible 4 those that get abused. there's no excuse!

Posted On: 1 Sep, 2010 at 09:35 AM shylatino shylatino
14 Jun, 2010
Posts: 2

so true but some ppl. just dont learn how to act on the these types of sites or consider others feelings...